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Saturday, July 27, 2019

Waters Campaign Pays $30K More to Daughter, Ignores Other Debts

Rep. Maxine Waters (D., Calif.) continues to push tens of thousands of dollars in campaign payments to her daughter for accrued debt even as much smaller campaign debts have remained untouched, Federal Election Commission filings show.

Rep. Waters has paid her daughter Karen more than $800,000from her campaign committee to run a slate mailer operation since the mid-2000's. The endorsement mailers have proven lucrative for both Rep. Waters's federal committee and her daughter.

As of Oct. 17, 2018, Karen had collected $108,000 from the campaign to run the operation for the 2018 midterm cycle, with another $94,000 reported as being owed to her. However, Waters's post-general filings on Dec. 11 showed that the amount owed to Karen had increased by nearly $90,000 to $183,000. During the first quarter this year, Waters's campaign paid out $50,000 to Karen. Her committee's most recent filings show that throughout the second quarter another $30,000 was doled out, bringing the debt owed down to $108,000.



  1. Just goes to show you where all the corruption is. This is why the Democrats are fighting so hard to get rid of our President. They do not want to be found out how CORRUPT they are.

  2. Where is the IRS and ethics committee investigations? They want to investigate Trump on his business deals, but not Democrat crooks like Waters?

  3. Why is this legal and why isn't Maxine in prison?


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