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Saturday, July 27, 2019

US-born teen detained for weeks by border patrol says he was told 'you have no rights'

The Texas-born high school student who was detained by immigration officials for more than three weeks told CNN Thursday he was treated less than human at a U.S. Customs and Border Protection facility.

Francisco Galicia, 18, says he was held in filthy, overcrowded conditions where he was not allowed to shower for 23 days, forced to sleep on a cement floor and not given enough food. By the time he was released Tuesday, after word spread about his detention following a report by The Dallas Morning News, he said he was malnourished, having dropped 26 pounds.

"They were not treating us humanely," Galicia told CNN during a wide-ranging interview. "...The stress was so high, they (detention center agents) were on me all the time. It was like psychological torture to the point where I almost (agreed to be deported). I felt safer to be in the cell than to be with the officers.



  1. Northwest Woodsman: The validity of this article is seriously in doubt when you take a look and find that it came from CNN, the communist news network. Had I noticed that at first, I would not have even looked at it. It is not like CNN has an agenda and this ( probably false) story supports it. Wouldn’t surprise me if the whole thing was constructed just to stir up marxists to compensate for their huge loss by the slap down given by the Supreme Court regarding allowing the president to construct the wall.

  2. I was once deported, (Due to past non-felony conviction) an d I was told the same thing. As a non-country citizen of the country I was visiting, I guess it is actually true. I was put in Jail, and sent back on a plane, (that I had to pay for) and returned to the USA.

    Don't try and go visit Australia with any conviction! Also don't think obtaining a VISA from the internet is a real opportunity to visit there. If ever convicted of anything, you are not welcome in Australia.

  3. I smell a rat. There are videos of him walking out to meet his mother. If you had lost almost 30 pounds your clothes would be falling off yet this guy seems to be able to keep his pants up without a belt! Ever interview I have seen with him he speaks spanish. How if you are born and educated here do you not speak English?

  4. I smell 3 day old fish.

  5. This is a boat load of crap , if he didn't eat anything for 23 days he would lose approx. 18 pounds as long as he had water , another lie from the democrat party .

  6. Sorry amigo, your story has more holes in it than a ton of swiss cheese

  7. He got caught smuggling two illegals and had screw up birth certificates. Constitution was written before phones. He is a coyote and now wants to make a buck from a lawsuit. The truth will come out like it always does on CNN hit pieces.

  8. Another LIBUTARD BS story. The Latino community is as bad as the blacks. But both are DEMOCRATS.

  9. He got his Birth Certificate from the same place as Obama got his.


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