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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Trump signs order to make American-made goods more American

During the annual White House “Made in America” showcase, President Trump said Monday his administration will require American products to use more American components if they are to be used by the government.

American-made products used for government projects currently can contain 50 percent foreign components and still be considered American, Trump said.

He signed an executive order boosting the percentage of American components to 75 percent.




  1. This and many, many more things is why I love this President !!!

  2. Buy American, the job you save might be your own

  3. I'm def an Anti-Trumper but agree this could be a smart move. This should have been enacted DECADES ago for our national security apparatus. Tell me again why we would put chinese components into our satellites then act surprised they have already hacked them.

    1. 10:50 Wipe the sleep out of your eyes

  4. So, raising minimum wage will kill jobs, but raising the cost of manufacturing won't do the same?

    If you argue raising minimum wage will raise the cost of production therefore costing jobs and products and businesses, you MUST also agree that will: Kill jobs, force businesses to close, and raise manufacturing prices that will in turn cause higher prices for products.

    There is no in between. To argue otherwise is severe cognitive dissonance.

    1. Using more American made parts also creates jobs for the suppliers of these parts will have to increase production to meet the new demand!

    2. Manufacturing more products in American will create more jobs that will generate more tax money reducing our deficit. It's a win win policy. Please refer back to the 9:45 post

  5. Folks, i know that you do not want to accept this ,...but we are in a global economy

    1. Yes we are 9:21, but let's take care of our own first


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