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Thursday, July 25, 2019

Trump administration scores win over challenge to asylum restriction

A federal judge decided Wednesday to leave in place a Trump administration rule that imposes restrictions on individuals seeking asylum in the United States if they passed through a third country on their way to the border between the U.S. and Mexico, potentially leading to a sharp reduction in Central American migrants entering the country.

The rule, published in the Federal Register last week, requires people seeking asylum to first apply in one of the countries they pass through on their way to the U.S., with certain exceptions. The rule was quickly met with a legal challenge from advocacy groups, who moved for a temporary restraining order blocking the rule. After a hearing in Washington, D.C. federal court, District Judge Timothy J. Kelly denied the motion. The rule will remain in place for the duration of the case, unless the decision is successfully appealed.




  1. Jump the gun. ANOTHER court ruled the opposite.

  2. I’m confused.
    If one federal judge says the new rule is ok to enforce and one federal judge says that it’s not, WHAT HAPPENS???

    1. Exactly!! All judicial BULLSHIT. APPEALS!!

  3. It goes to the next level court till it gets to the supremes.

  4. The judges' rulings should only be applicable to their district. ONE JUDGE over-ruling the President is not Constitutional. That's judicial elitism.

  5. I thought this is a UN or NATO rule of law in the first place and should be regarded as such by all nations? If so, Trump is following the law and no US judge has any jurisdiction to say anything about international law.


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