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Monday, July 01, 2019

Three arrested during antifa counterprotests in Portland

The Portland Police Bureau announced that they had arrested three people in connection to the violence that occurred during Saturday's civil disturbance in Portland, Oregon.

"Beginning around noon, groups gathered in Pioneer Courthouse Square, Chapman Square, Lownsdale Park Square, and on the East end of the Hawthorne Bridge. A baseball bat was surrendered to police at Lownsdale Park Square by a participant," the Bureau said in a press release.

The police bureau said "there were multiple assaults reported, as well as projectiles thrown at demonstrators and officers. There were also reports of pepper spray and bear spray being used by people in the crowd. Officers deployed pepper spray during the incident," adding one person was arrested for throwing a "milkshake" made up of quick-drying cement.



  1. When R patriots going to start STOMPING THESE POS.?????

  2. Let's face it, these dolts are mot protestors, they are militants in riot gear. On top of that, they are COWARDS hiding behind goggles and masks and from what I saw most of the guys throwing stuff lob like the fairer sex and the "fairer sex" look like rainbows. Frankly these people belong on another planet or at least another continent. Wouldn't it be fun to see them come up against a group like MS 13 or Hell's Angels?

    1. They are commie socialist scumbags hiding behind a mask and when the real PATRIOTS rise up Watch out.

  3. Pack a gun. Attacked by a group puts one in fear for life.


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