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Wednesday, July 10, 2019

The Taliban Have Won In Afghanistan

On June 26 two US special forces soldiers were killed in Afghanistan, bringing the total of US military personnel who have died in that useless war to 2429, according to iCasualties, an independent casualty tracker.

No matter what one might think about the rights and wrongs of the war in Afghanistan, it is sad to record such fatalities, and the question that comes to mind is: What did they die for?

According to the US State Department the military are there because “we continue to invest US resources to help Afghanistan improve its security, governance, institutions and economy,” and the Pentagon says “the principle goal… is to conclude the war in Afghanistan on terms favourable to Afghanistan and the United States.”



  1. need to tuck your tails and leave. There is no success in building a democratic nation. The 8 years of obama destroyed the previous efforts. with the congressional bitching, Trump can't mount the kind of offense to destroy the Taliban and other countries will not support him. Oh our allies take our money and crush us with trade inbalances, but no they will not support Trump.

    1. Bwahahaha if you think we were anywhere near success at the end of Bush and befinning of Obama you must of been smokin some of what they are growung over there

  2. Big pharma baby!! It's amazing how deep and far their reach is into the us government

  3. war... whats it good for... Absolutely nothing

    1. Afghanistan was a way the CIA could bring Opiates to the United states

  4. This was doomed to fail from the get go. They said themselves all they had to do was wait and everyone would leave. Who in their right minds want to live there? Only goat herders and degenerates. Let them have it, build a wall surrounding the whole Middle East and shoot anyone who dares cross.

  5. The truth is these men died for the great US / Israeli Empire. Without this war, the military would not have all of the profits from the heroin trade. The Taliban would have destroyed all of the poppies and wasted all of that money.

  6. Afghanistan has large resources of rare earth minerals used in computer technology and other industrial uses. China also has large resources of these same minerals. The United States can't get these minerals from China so that's where Afghanistan comes in. So sad all these Americans had to die.


  8. They died for the same thing that soldiers died for in Korea, and Vietnam. NOTHING. Fought against Nazi's in World War 2, Nazi's are now in America. Fought against communism in Korea and Vietnam. Communists are now in America. Fighting against muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan. Muslims are now in America. Why are we fighting against them if our government is going to allow them here anyway? Telling us tell us we must go fight them to keep them out of America to keep America free and then let them come here and say they have a right to be what they want to be?????????


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