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Monday, July 29, 2019

Snopes Fact-Checks Itself For Omissions On Erica Thomas’s ‘Go Back Where You Came From’ Claims

Snopes has corrected a fact check it performed on Christian satire site the Babylon Bee following an irate Twitter thread from the Bee’s founder alleging the fact check was an “opinion” “hit piece.”

The fact check revolved around the Babylon Bee’s satirical article on Erica Thomas, a Georgia state representative who recently alleged a “white man” told her to “go back where she came from” at a Publix grocery store. Bee imagined if she had had a similar interaction with a Chick Fil A employee, later clarifying that the employee had been polite the entire time. Snopes slammed the piece of satire in their fact check, calling it “an apparent attempt to maximize online indignation” and casting Thomas as a hapless victim of racial discrimination.

There’s just one problem: As facts go, Thomas’s story began to unravel almost as soon as it started.



  1. It be helpful if they did go back. Please and thank you...

  2. Nancy Pelosi and the congressional black caucus are going to the gate of no return in Ghana.


  3. Northwest Woodsman: President Lincoln wanted to send them back, so that is good enough for me. I actually have made copies of his and Jefferson’s speeches and laminated them to keep them from being damaged. Interestingly, one of Jefferson’s speeches, a segment of which is carved into the wall of the Jefferson memorial states “Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate that these people (Negros).are to be free”. They then omitted the rest of the quote which said “ Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live under the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them”. Was blown away at the duplicity demonstrated by using only the partial quote in order to promote an agenda.


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