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Sunday, July 14, 2019

Sent In By A Viewer....Prisoner Escaped From Detention Center

Somerset County/Westover, MD Residents : Be ALERT! Lock it down! Detention Center escapee on the move...white T-shirt and dreads.

Helicopters are currently searching for the prisoner.  


  1. The amount of police was crazy! Any updates? Did they catch him?

  2. As of 0751 hrs 7-10-19, still on the loose

  3. Don't know. Can't find anything about it anywhere

  4. No. He never entered the detention center. He ran away from the trooper as soon as he opened the car door.

  5. How can the public help without a picture and name?

    1. Exactly!! What’s His Name, What He Look Like Give Us More Details So We Will Know!!!

  6. 8:56
    We have been saying the same thing for years. The police don't alert the public when something like this happens.

  7. Why wasn't the Sally gate closed. How the hell does this happen

  8. He should shave his head, change his shirt, walk in to Princess Anne, and enjoy his freedom.

  9. he is at Popeyes.

  10. His name is Anthony "Tone Tone" Horsey Jr. and he got 13 years in 2009. The charges against Horsey ranged from attempted first- and second-degree murder, reckless endangerment, first- and second-degree assault, handgun on a person and handgun used in a felony.

  11. So he only had 3 more years to do & he ran? Or is that his past record? Seen nothing on the local news. Everything is hush hush on the shore due to the fact they dont wanna scare away people moving here like the college kids and retirees. Darn shame!

  12. He was already released for the charges in 2009. He was arrested on new charges when he escaped please learn more info before you comment about my brother yes wat is is doing is not right but he is still my brother

  13. Obviously he didn’t learn his lesson!!! If he was charged in 2009 + 13 =2022 what was he doing out???

    1. If You Don't Know That You Can Get Released On Parole Or Probation Then You Shouldn't Be Commemting Period Because You Don't Know What's Going On In Someone Else's Life.

  14. He got 25, he still has 12 hanging over him. So, he, in fact, has not served all his time. Now he has armed robbery and escape added to the violation of probation/parole.


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