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Saturday, July 27, 2019

Roy rage: GOP congressman tears into Democrats, storms out of House hearin

Freshman Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, delivered a devastating condemnation of House Democrats Thursday, excoriating Congress for wasting time on a “fishing expedition” into White House communications while the national debt explodes and the border crisis remains unsolved.

“What are we trying to find?” an incredulous Roy asked at a House Government Oversight and Reform Committee hearing after Democrats voted to subpoena White House officials for access to their private emails.

As Politico reports, the Democrats argue that senior White House aides including Ivanka Trump may have violated the Presidential Records Act by conducting official government business on private email servers. But as Roy pointed out, Ivanka Trump has already acknowledged this and is working with the committee to provide it with the requested emails. There should be no need for a subpoena.



  1. Voters put those clowns in power and deserve all the blame. But they won’t accept it for they know if the American people really really cared, they’d all be hanging from gallows. They aren’t afraid because they control the narrative and the courts. They can use that ill gotten power to devastate any opponent. We are seeing the precursor to the French Revolution. Only a matter of time before the fuse is lit.

  2. I've had it with Democratic Party and those who say they represent it. The continuous bickering, ugly posturing and inability to get a single meaningful piece of legislation produced, let alone passed, has led me to believe that the party has reached zombie status, only interested in one thing.
    I feel as though my votes have been wasted. I'll be making a visit to the Board of Elections office on Snow Hill Road to leave this party behind the way it's left so many of us behind.

    1. 4:43 That exactly what I did over 5 years ago. Hopefully you'll have a trail of future Republicans following you. It's the only way to save this country from self destruction

  3. How in the world did this man EVER get elected???
    He speaks common sense and true American values and concerns, something all the rest of those idiots seem to be lacking.
    Nice to see that some voters did the right thing and put this guy in office!


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