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Sunday, July 21, 2019

Resident shoots and kills unknown intruder

A Woodbine resident shot and killed a man who was trying to get inside his home in the middle of the night. 

The unidentified intruder, who was wearing no shirt or shoes, was reportedly banging on the front door of the residence in the 14000 block of Carriage Mill Road just after 1 a.m., where the resident and his wife were sleeping. The residents repeatedly shouted at the man to leave. As the suspect tried to gain entry, the homeowner fired one shot, striking the man. No one else was home at the time of the incident and no one else was injured. 

Police are talking to the homeowners and working to identify the unknown intruder. No charges have been filed at this time. The investigation is ongoing.


  1. I hate to say it but that home owner will probably go to jail.

  2. They say , unless the intruder is " in your house" ,
    that is sure the possibility of jail time for the
    one who shoots them.

    1. Who's "they"? The law (depending on the state) generally indicates that if you are in fear for your life or for the life of others under the umbrella of your protection, deadly force can be used. No idea who "they" are who you reference.

  3. Manslaughter charge coming for Homeowner, you can't shoot people outside of your home. He should have remained silent and let the guy get in, then blasted him!

  4. Northwest Woodsman: I love to start the morning reading a story with a happy ending. If the Marxist political class tries to charge the home owner, stand behind him and rebel against the system. Support what is right and remember jury nullification is always a potential tool. Sheriff Lewis has stated that he will not comply with the new gun control measures and that is a good start.

  5. If you hate to say it , then don't say it.
    I admire the homeowner for shooting the man , You will be seeing much more of this in the near future . The police have their hands tied due to the democrats , it's called vigilante justice .

  6. The left will scream "RACIST" since the man has a Hispanic sounding name. Hopefully, the homeowner will not be charged for defending his home, but this usually does not work out well.

    WOODBINE, Md. —
    "A Woodbine resident shot and killed a man who was trying to get inside his home in the middle of the night, Howard County police said. County police said the intruder, who was not wearing a shirt or shoes, was reportedly banging on the front door of the house in the 14000 block of Carriage Mill Road just after 1 a.m. Sunday.
    Police said the resident, Charles Dorsey, 56, of Woodbine, and his wife awoke and repeatedly shouted at the man to leave. As the man tried to get inside, Dorsey fired one shot, striking Gerardo Alberto Espinoza, 46, of Chantilly, Virginia. Through a preliminary investigation, detectives believe Espinoza had been staying at a friend's house in the neighborhood. No one else was home at the time of the incident and no one else was injured. No charges have been filed at this time. The investigation is ongoing."

  7. Drunk illegal alien trying to get in the wrong house. I hope the homeowner waited until he broke the plane before shooting.

  8. I have a loaded .308 waiting for someone to come into my home illegally. That should leave a hole about the size of a fist in their chest.

  9. The homeowner did society a huge favor. Thank you Sir. Hopefully the residents in his town & county will start a Go Fund Me page and support him with his legal needs if needed. However a true, for the people, law enforcement agency will not charge him.

  10. I would have waited until entry and used my hands ( that are registered) and broke his eye bone. No guns are needed. Thank you

    1. Wow...somebody has some self confidence issues.

    2. Thanks Scoochie.

    3. I would really like to register my hands too. How do I go about this registration 1:43 ??

  11. A dead witness can't testify against the homeowne. The way Salisbury and surrounding areas are getting,I see more of this. A king protects his castle .

  12. Maryland is a anti gun State

    although, the resident was in fear of his safety...
    the Hogan Anti Gun politicians will charge him for manslaughter

    Like y'all, I agree it was justice,

    but our criminal Maryland politicians will try to make the homeowner an example

    of why you should not use deadly force .. .financially breaking him

    with Attorney fees

    to try to deter the rest of us from protecting ourselves

  13. Sadly, the homeowner is probably going to jail. As a CCW holder, I know I can't shoot someone unless I am in imminent danger. The guy being outside, the homeowner should have called 911 while standing his ground. If the guy broke the door in, entered, and charged at him. With a weapon or without, then he can shoot.

    1. Finally an intelligent comment. Well done!!

    2. You should also no as a CCW if YOU have an avenue of exit then you CANNOT fire. Maybe you missed that question on the test. Now you have been apprised and your welcome

    3. It might take 30 to 60 minutes for the popo to get there. All that's left to do then is write a report

    4. 8:54- You do not have to escape from your home to avoid shooting intruders! If they illegally enter your house and you feel threatened, fire away. Everyone but you knows that! Please stop trying to make people dumber by reading your posts. You clearly are the one needing apprising.

  14. Do you think just maybe he was drunk or stoned and mistook the house for the one he was staying at? Don't think for a minute that I wouldn't have shot him myself if he was trying to break in but there are often many sides to an issue.
    BTW look up the Assateaque pony kicking the tourist right in the cohones video. I saw it on comcast earlier today. The dude went down like HE got shot.

  15. When in doubt shoot.

  16. It doesn't matter if the intruder was inside of your house or not. Even inside of your house you will be charged and taken to jail. You have to be in fear of your life. Like the intruder has to have a weapon and getting ready to use it on you before you can shoot him. This is Maryland. The good old days when you could protect your home and family are gone.

  17. 143 my hands are registered but I am a former Division 1 wrestle. I would have broke him in two, ate a bowl of cereal and went back to bed.

    1. cool beans 753

      run for Salisbury Mayor

      we need a good male in that spot

  18. 8:54
    Good grief! If you are going to try to school someone on something at least know the difference between no and know and your and you're.

  19. I typically don't report when that happens,because my city trash can has ample room and it's usually almost Friday when it occurs.Friday is when they pick up the trash.

  20. Lucky he didn't try and break in at Rehoboth Beach area, he could have been stripped naked and had his rear assaulted!

  21. 10:37 Salisbury is getting the same way with that boy toy mayor.

  22. A few punches to the stomach and right uppercut. Lights out.

  23. @7:31

    You are partially correct. He does not have to have a weapon. If you are 5'6" 140lbs and the intruder is 6'2" 240lbs. If he advances you, after several warnings to retreat, without a weapon. That is imminent danger.

  24. @ 8:54

    Imminent danger means no avenue of exit. Now you have been apprised and you're welcome!! Perhaps you should pay attention to what is written instead of only reading what you want to. People like you would rather be right than happy.

    1. @934 “ rather be right then happy” lol. That’s kinda like AOC being morally correct but factual wrong? BTW this is internet short hand. Thanks you

  25. Why didn't he just call the police?

    1. "Why didn't he just call the police?" What for 10:21, his own homicide investigation. Wizard of Oz magic isn't real. The police can't just click their heels together and instantly be there. Turn the TV off and get out of you parent's basement

  26. @845 smartest person so far. Great comment

  27. Why do thugs, druggies and pure laziness think they can take what a hard worker owners. We owners are tired of these POS. I got something for you as well. Every gun owner has something waiting for you on the other side of that door you kicked it.


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