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Thursday, July 25, 2019

Report: James Comey Lied to Trump, Hid that He Was Targeting Trump in Baseless Investigation

Former FBI Director James Comey lied to President Trump three times about him personally not being under investigation — which would explain why he refused to say that in public, according to a new bombshell report.

According to the report by RealClearInvestigations, not only was Trump personally targeted, but Comey himself was acting as an investigative agent as he interacted with the president — completely unbeknownst to the latter.

That would also explain why Comey made memos of his meetings with Trump. The new report reveals that Comey would also put those notes into an investigative file and even call other top FBI officials afterwards.

Comey has previously said he considered the memos personal instead of government documents, according to the Wall Street Journal. He also reportedly said they were written contemporaneously to create a record of his interactions with Trump, and he testified to Congress that he decided to do so because of the “nature of the person.”



  1. Charged with TREASON

    once found Guilty

    HANG HIM on TV

    air that in all schools and all stations

    1. Agreed, I want to see these traitors on live television swinging from their nooses, and Im seriously looking forward to seeing it happen the Obamas and Clintons!

  2. Hard to believe, but Comey's creep factor is surpassing J. Edgar Hoover's.

    1. President Trump can direct his charge of TREASON to the Military

      they can place him on a wall, and shoot him or TREASON

      as noted.....air it on all TV channels

      make the Squad be present @ the shooting by the Military

    2. comey the TRAITOR POS has been lying to all of us since he was appointed director of the fbi. He was in the pockets of both obama and hillary. His bank accounts need a complete audit.

  3. 804 is correct, lets make examples of these POS and maybe that will be a deterrent!


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