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Saturday, July 27, 2019

Rashida Tlaib: ‘We Didn’t Have ICE Years Ago Before 9/11 … We Were Fine’

Democratic Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib unpacked her anti-Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) stance and said the U.S. was “fine” without ICE pre-9/11 during a podcast released Tuesday.

“It needs to be completely dismantled. We didn’t have ICE years ago before 9/11, and I can tell you we were fine,” Tlaib said on an episode of “Authentically Detroit.”

ICE was created in 2003 after the now-defunct Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) was dissolved and its duties transferred to three entities, including ICE, under the newly created Department of Homeland Security (DHS). INS conducted raids.



  1. She and Omar better stop mentioning 9/11.

  2. She is so stupid

  3. She's so stupid, like all democrooks

  4. Which "we" is she referring to? Her terrorist friends?

  5. Tlaib does not know her history. ICE has been around for years and became known as ICE when the Government split up agencies and their responsibilities. But what do you expect from a Radical Muslim ISIS supporter?

  6. We didn't have coward Muslim politicians either. NOTHING started until then. Then here came the non citizen Muslim king BARRY SANTOS of Columbia university.

  7. OATH KEEPERS for LIFEJuly 27, 2019 at 6:24 PM

    I dont trust her....what if she strapped herself with explosives?

    They worship a demon god Allah

    She hates the United States

    think about it.....

  8. She is so stupid, the 9/11 attacks spawned the "freedom taking" patriot act. ICE was created long before that. Nothing to do with one another.


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