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Friday, July 19, 2019

Prof. Epstein: Big Tech Will ‘Go All Out’ with Election Meddling in 2020

Professor Robert Epstein told Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) that Google is manipulating voters “on a massive scale,” using tools that it has at its disposal exclusively, and that “no one can counteract them.” Epstein warned the Senator of big tech election meddling that he called “invisible,” “subliminal,” and more powerful than anything he’s seen in 40 years of behavioral sciences.

Epstein — who said that he personally supported and voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 — testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, where he told Sen. Cruz that Google election meddling gave Hillary Clinton at least 2.6 million additional votes in the 2016 election.

“The 2.6 million is a rock bottom minimum,” said Epstein, “The range is between 2.6 and 10.4 million votes, depending on how aggressively they use the techniques that I’ve been studying now for six and a half years — such as the search engine manipulation effect, the search suggestion effect, the answer bot effect, and a number of others.”

“They control these and no one can counteract them,” added the professor, “These are not competitive, these are tools that they have at their disposal exclusively.”



  1. And Hillary still LOST. A lot of good Google did. LMAO

  2. Google will manipulate feeble minds to vote Democrat.

  3. DON'T see how the can manipulate ANYONE. I think the lines are pretty much drawn. Everyone knows who they will vote for.
    Either pro American or not.

  4. You're completely wrong, 2:37. They already have (and still are) 'guiding' the research and world-perception of millions every day.

    Many may have ideas about who they want to vote for, but that has already been shaped by their daily activity on the internet and socials, and can easily be further influenced by reports of events and attitudes as the time approaches.

    Both sides already know how effective last-minute revelations (the "October Surprise") can be.. they don't need to be true at all, just spread far and wide with no time to prove them false.

    The MSM minions are the main ones used to do this, with their cohorts manipulatiing the search algorithms to point people to the propaganda and supress the info that refutes it.

  5. Google is intelligence

  6. Democrats are the ones who do the MEDDLING !!!!

    They Conspire with RUSSIA !!! Like Hillary did !!!

  7. google controls what you can and cannot see in a search, so does facebook, they control what you can and cannot see and what you can and cannot post. They are sensoring us and have been for years, they along with the main stream media are swaying/meddling in the elections. If they can control, what you think by controlling what you can see, they they can control how you vote. Controlling you gives them power!

    1. Don't use either of them. Use BING. Never had a FB account.

  8. Sick & tired of Democrats Never Held ACCOUNTABLE !!!

  9. Clinton Foundation is the DEEP STATE !!!! Controlling the
    Govt !!!! Govt by the Clintons FOR the Clintons !!!!


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