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Saturday, July 27, 2019

President Donald Trump Calls For Investigation Into Obama Book Deals

Frustrated by continued efforts by the Democratic congress to find a reason to impeach him, President Donald Trump fought back today, saying that an investigation should be mounted on the book deals signed by former President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle.

The $65 million in multiple book deals spawned a best-seller for Michelle Obama, with Barack Obama’s memoir scheduled for some time next year.

Trump, speaking in the White House Oval Office on Friday, also called for an investigation into the Clinton Foundation, and put in a jab against Obama for ruining the White House air conditioning system, which he says can’t maintain a comfortable temperature.



  1. Obama. We knew, yes, yes. For an eternity, "they" (you know who)! Pacified the ''populace"" with gladiators, games, (NFL?) And the opiates of the masses. Distracted we were. Our Greatest Leader, yes, Mr President Donald ""J"" Trump, showed them (Swamp( )NWO globalist demons) to the World! We said NO! The United Kingdom said NO! The Hunagary people and Pollish said NO! The hallway must be dusted, yes! Time for the globulists to be outed (Merkle, Pelosi- malfunctioning again?, Clinton- Uranium One?) They are the evil empire (Reagan, yes ! He saw the truth!) We must say no !!!

  2. Is the book called Healthy Holly by any chance?


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