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Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Police: Mom charged after driving with kids in pool on the roof of her car


  1. has to be another Public School Idiot.

  2. And I bet she votes!!

  3. Democrat for sure!

  4. From her booking photo she looks a little impaired; maybe too many gin and tonics?

  5. Apparently she misunderstands the concept of a carpool!

  6. Just plain stupid, no other way to say it. You can't fix stupid, she will go thru her whole life doing crap like that.

  7. 1:41 AM, I am glad you can discern the difference between an Idiot from public schools versus someone who has no schooling or even schooling from Private school, seeing how stupid and how much of an idiot your own self is, seeing how you let, allow and actually help, wither you believe it or not or see it or not, the politicians to ruin your life and everyone else with taxes and fees and other stupid bull shit... I don't see you calling yourself out on being just as stupid or and idiot!!!! This women has more brains than you, she at least does things, you sit there and complain about life, and politicians and everything else TO DO NOTHING ABOUT IT... A good little slave...


  8. 8:45 is winning this section of the internet today! Well played!

  9. 10:05 AM - ok then....

    Anyhow, as stupid as it was, it was pretty funny. It is all fun and games until someone gets hurt.

  10. Wow, she is 49 years old doing stupid stuff like that. Its amazing the kids made it this far.

  11. I'm with 11:34 she needs to loose any parental rights for the rest of the child's life. God Bless the child pray for a better outcome.

  12. Stupid is , is stupid does. She even looks stupid.


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