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Thursday, July 25, 2019

'PETA Tears' lager released by Maryland seafood joint to celebrate crab battle with activists

Jimmy’s Famous Seafood in Baltimore is selling a limited run of “PETA Tears” lager to celebrate last year’s “go vegan” billboards targeting the crab industry.

PETA made national headlines in 2018 with giant crab billboards reading “I’m ME, Not MEAT. See the individual. Go vegan,” but the nearby activism wasn’t appreciated by Jimmy’s Famous Seafood.

The restaurant, which responded at the time with “SteaMEd crabs. Here to stay. Get famous” billboards of its own, is back for an encore.

“One year ago, PETA launched an unprovoked attack on the crab industry here in Maryland,” the restaurant recently wrote on its Facebook page. “Fresh off the perceived success of their asinine tussle with Barnum’s Animal Crackers, the millionaires expected an easy victory in The Old Line State. Boy, were they wrong!”



  1. I lived in Balt for years in Canton. Jimmy's is the worst. Gross food. Maybe they should focus on their product instead


  2. Great marketing hook!

  3. Crabs are the "Cockroach" of the oceans, does anyone want to eat bugs? That is what you are eating when you eat crabs! They eat fish poop, and other waste!

  4. I hope I can get my hands on a six pack!


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