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Sunday, July 28, 2019

Paul Craig Roberts: Mueller Should Be Arrested For Conspiracy To Overthrow POTUS

The Mueller report, which had no choice as there was no evidence, but to clear Donald Trump of conspiring with Russian President Putin to steal the last US presidential election from Hillary Clinton, nevertheless managed to keep an aspect of the manufactured hoax known as “Russiagate” alive by indicting some Russian intelligence officers and a Russian Internet clickbait operation for attempting to discredit Hillary with Internet postings.

At the time I noticed that Muller’s indictments were based only on his assertion and not on any evidence. As there was no prospect whatsoever of the fake indictments coming to trial, I did not comment on them. I focused instead on Mueller’s statement that Trump might have obstructed justice although he lacked evidence to support the charge. I noted how corrupt American law has become when it is possible to obstruct justice in the absence of a crime.

Democrats and presstitutes were determined to get Trump by any means and remain uninterested in how justice is obstructed when there is no crime.



  1. mueller past connections to the swamp central UN says enough. he is a evil luciferian water boy

    1. I put mueller in the same company as hillary and comey, traitors to the United States of America

  2. “Democrats and presstitutes were determined to get Trump by any means and remain uninterested in how justice is obstructed when there is no crime.” This statement here is the BIGGEST crime against our duly elected President and it needs to STOP now!

  3. He should because he is just a Clinton / Obama left over !!!

  4. He better Not deviate from his REPORT either !!!!
    It is written in stone !!! Can't Change or add-to it now !!!!

    He had over 2 years & over 30 million dollars to write it !!!!

  5. Hey Joe,
    There was a big fight yesterday, Sunday at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #194 in Salisbury, MD.! Apparently a man named Ronald Antonio Stanley came into the Veteran's Post to play pool and became involved in an altercation over a pool game! Salisbury Police arrived on scene and subsequently Ronald Stanley was arrested and booked! It is a shame that even a Veteran's Post where men and women have earned the right to have a place they can go to rest and relax after being in a war for their country, have to put up with this nonsense! Despicable!

    1. Hey Joe, I see a new reporter in your future

  6. He was BIASED and Never should have had the job to do
    the Big Investigation to start with !!!! Dems had him in their Pocket !!!!

  7. Charge him and take all of his tax payer retirements and benefits. Destroy him kike he did innocent Republicans.

  8. The United States taxpayers made a profit on the Muller report,...fact

    1. How's that 7:36 ?
      When can I expect my refund check

  9. If he Dares to Deviate from his $30 mil report tomorrow

    He Should be Charged !!!!

  10. Obama & Hillary should be Arrested / But will Never happen !!! No Justice in America !!!

  11. Hillary Exposed the Corrupt Govt more than anytime in
    History !!!

    Clapper / Comey / Lynch / Hillary / Obama / & More

    should ALL be in Prison !!!! Also Pelosi / Schumer / Schiff
    Cummings / Nadler / + the newbees Fab 4 & AOC !!!!
    & More !!! ALL Demon-crats !!! Collusion

    Now we know WHO America's Enemys Are !!! Within


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