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Monday, July 01, 2019

Pat Sajak Strikes Again: Demolishes Dem Debate With One Tweet

William Shakespeare must have known that one day in the future Pat Sajak would exist when the Bard wrote in Hamlet, “Since brevity is the soul of wit / And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes, I will be brief.”

On Thursday night, Sajak, the beloved host of “Wheel of Fortune,” issued another succinct, immortal tweet, this time targeting Democrats as he sat suffering through the Democratic presidential debate. He wrote, “This could be worse. It could be a dinner party and I could be there.”

Sajak has famously tweeted such pointed and brief remarks before. After the horrific Las Vegas massacre in October 2017, when celebrities chimed in with their uninformed opinions, Sajak tweeted, “OK, let me explain this again: We're celebs. We're wiser & more empathetic than you. We are famous. Please take our opinions more seriously.” As The Daily Wire noted at the time



  1. "OK, let me explain this again: We're celebs. We're wiser and more empathetic than you. We are famous, please take our word more seriously". I never did like him, now I know I never will. Money and/or fame makes no one intelligent.

  2. 3:58
    Maybe take the time to read the entire article. That comment was sarcasm. He's one of the few conservatives and he pokes fun at the others.


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