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Sunday, July 14, 2019

OUTRAGE! Pelosi Tips Off Illegals on Sunday’s Rumored Deportation Raids – Gives ‘Legal Advice’ on How to Evade ICE Agents (VIDEO)

The New York Times reported Thursday that the massive deportation operation President Trump delayed two weeks ago will be deployed this Sunday.

Trump’s deportation operation is targeting illegals who already have deportation orders, yet Democrat leaders are giving them advice on how to evade ICE agents!

AOC fired off a tweet:

“ICE will launch raids across 10 major cities this SUNDAY. Check your neighbors & know your rights. Remember: no one can enter your home without a *judicial warrant.*” she said.

“Sometimes ICE will try to show other papers to get in your house. Judicial warrants are from a court,” AOC added.



  1. I would think ag office would step and charge her. Noway that is legal and very dangerous

  2. Put that b**ch in jail for doing that. So damn wrong. President Trump trying to help American citizens and she does this.

  3. Illegal immigrants who especially have been ordered by the US courts to be deported have no rights. Nancy and Cortez are lawmakers and should not be on office if they tell illegal immigrants they have rights when they don't. Can't make laws and then ignore them or not understand them. Cortez should be arrested by ICE for abetting a crime.

  4. It's been all over the news, don't blame Pelosi.

  5. Aiding and abetting criminals is illegal. Arrest her.


  6. After booth review the call on the field against AOC & Pelosi is "Obstruction of Justice!"

    As noted elsewhere those targeted have reached the end of the end of the end of their opportunities to be here ILLEGALLY. (caps for emphasis). Judges have ruled them out of the game!

  7. @ 6:01am

    Read the article!. Has nothing to do with the raid. Has everything to do with her telling criminals how to try to beat the system. Although she is giving them bad information.

  8. Libbies have ALWAYS been the true criminals...

  9. AOC is NOT doing the job she was elected to. She is acting more like the coordinator of a far left radical opposition anti American protest contingent. Pelosi should censor the little snot but that would garner more criticism from the far left main slime media. Frankly, I think the media has done irreparable harm to the chances for the DNC to #1 get a Democrat elected to the White House and #2 help the DNC maintain control of the House in 2020.

  10. stop announcing the raids idiots

  11. Obstruction charge anyone.

  12. Trump already tipped them off

  13. 6:20 , if you arrest her then you should arrest Trump . He also tipped them off

  14. The 2,000 ICE is going after are all illegals who have committed felonies such as rape, assault, child assault, robbery, murder etc. What is wrong with getting rid of them?

  15. Critical thinking people: if Trump has been stating this for weeks, and the papers put out an announcement, how exactly does Pelosi "tip off" illegals? Seems it was already pretty public info


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