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Friday, July 19, 2019

Ousted Planned Parenthood chief had problems with saying men can get pregnant: Report

Both the pro-life and pro-abortion movements are abuzz over the surprise ouster of Planned Parenthood chief Leana Wen on Tuesday afternoon.

While Wen’s initial statement said that the board booted her in a secret meeting over “philosophical differences,” it appears that those differences go farther than the politics-versus-health care disagreement that was initially reported; according to a report at BuzzFeed News, the differences also had to do with whether or not men can get pregnant.

The report cites two sources who say that Wen refused to use “trans-inclusive” language when talking about abortion and other services, like saying “people” rather than “women.” She also reportedly told people at the organization that she worried that pushing transgenderism on top of the organization’s message would “isolate people in the midwest.”



  1. Ha Ha ha! Eating their own!


  2. Guess as an actual M.D. she had a problem; glad she held firm on that point. OTOH, she's a doc who recently took the top job at America's largest baby killing operation; nothing admirable there.

  3. Alot of men Keep on trying to get Pregnant !!! LOL LOL

    It's going to take awhile !!! Ask Elton John !!!


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