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Friday, July 19, 2019

Not The Onion! Woman Designs Chair To Prevent "Manspreading"

A British woman has been awarded for designing a chair that prevents “manspreading” by forcing men to sit as if they don’t have any balls.

I’m not even joking.

“Manspreading,” otherwise known as ‘having a pair of testicles’ – is where men sit with their legs spread apart on public transport.

23-year-old Laila Laurel says she designed the chair “following her own experiences of ‘manspreading'”.

“It came both from my own experiences of men infringing on my space in public, and also from ‘The Everyday Sexism Project’, a website founded by Laura Bates in which women self-testify about sexism they experience,” she told LadBible.

“With my chair set I hoped to draw awareness to the act of sitting for men and women and inspire discussion around this,” added Laurel, who was given the Belmond Award for emerging talent (whatever that is).



  1. Barry Obama ordered a number of chairs for him

    but because Michael or Michelle has testicles....

    Barry uses the chairs himself

  2. Airlines have been doing it for years.

  3. Nooo you have it wrong... these are for the guys who have traded in their balls for ovaries or just outright given them up.

  4. Yeah I designed a chair for her too. It's a broomstick.

  5. Almost totally sold out to men that wear Man-Buns.

  6. “Imagine if a man designed something to stop a woman doing ANYTHING…. the feminist and sexist backlash would be unimaginable,”

    1. How about seats to keep woman's legs OPEN ?.

  7. Whenever they say they want to have a "discussion" in means they want to scold you.

  8. Yeah, well I'm going to remove the toilet seats on the public area seats in my house. See how the women like that. Don't care whether they do, or not. I'm too old to spend the rest of my life trying to please women. That part is over. It is such a relief not to have to try and appease them. I can live without them, and am successfully doing so. Women are useful for some things, but don't ever marry them or think you have to live with them. You might think I am bitter. Not in the least. I am grateful that I have been freed, and can live the life I choose. What would that woman, that designed that chair, think if I designed a chair that forced a woman's legs APART (for whatever reason I thought was appropriate)? She can't even comprehend how offensive her chair design is to men.


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