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Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Nolte: Trump’s Bold Truth-Telling About ‘The Squad’ Makes Free Speech Great Again

Is it President Trump’s fault the Four Harridans of the Dempocalypse are “women of color?”

If you have enough of your own mind left after decades of being socialized by the media into believing everything is racist except actual racism, you are keenly aware that the media, Democrats, and Never Trump Kooks are acting as though it’s Trump’s fault The Jew-Hating Squad — which is made up of freshmen Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) — is a not a bunch of straight, white males.

All Trump did, all he is guilty of is telling the truth about how horrible these women are — how they appease terrorists; how they smear America as a country filled with concentration camps; how they destroy tens of thousands of jobs in New York; how they’re raging anti-Semites who despise Jews; how they’re preening, wannabe dictators desperate for personal power through socialism; and how, yes, they are straight-up racists…

But it is Trump who is attacked as a racist — even though, you know, he never mentioned race.

Answer me this question: What race is he denigrating?

I’m sorry, but Trump is not responsible for the color of another person’s skin. So what he is really doing is the least racist thing any American can do, which is to treat these villains as he would anyone else who holds their toxic beliefs.

If you think Trump singles out only “people of color,” ask the straightest, squarest, lily-white males in the free world — ask Jeb Bush, Justin Amash, Bill Kristol, Joe Scarborough, Ben Sasse, Jeff Flake, Paul Ryan, and Mitt Romney about that.



  1. "If you think Trump singles out only “people of color,” ask the straightest, squarest, lily-white males in the free world — ask Jeb Bush, Justin Amash, Bill Kristol, Joe Scarborough, Ben Sasse, Jeff Flake, Paul Ryan, and Mitt Romney about that."

    Has he ever told these people to go back to their ancestor's country of origin over their disagreements? Why does he only say that to certain people?

    1. They are already in their country of origin idiot

  2. Breaking the Back of P.C. one day at a time...

  3. 10:00 telling someone to go back to their country isn't racist. The country you are from defines your nationality not your race.

  4. These are US citizens ,...and he knows that .
    Where are they supposed to go back to ?

  5. Trump never said this to Bernie Sanders. Ever.

    How long has Bernie been critical of American policies? How long has he pointed to what he thinks are other nations do things better than the United States? Practically for his entire career in politics.

    Yet Trump never told Bernie to go back where he came from.

    Trump knew what he was doing here. His base feels this way, and if he voices this opinion, it stimulates his base.

    America has some founding principles, among them are free speech and freedom to protest, and to take grievance with the government.

    To dismiss peoples criticisms as "hate" then suggest they can leave if they don't like it is abhorrent.

    What did Trump run on? Trump literally ran on the premise that America was no longer Great. His entire mantra was criticism of Government, and the state of politics. Should he now suggest that he should have left then since he didn't like it? Should someone have told him in kind to do the same?

    These "squad" members, whose policy I don't agree with, were tired with a system they saw as corrupt, and got involved, got elected, and now are in Congress. To suggest that they should have done "something" in their failing districts is ABSURD. It is what they are trying to do.

    Trump was out of line here. Someone needs to tell him to dial it back, A LOT. When he has Republicans distancing themselves from him, and right wing talking heads admitting that his comments were misleading and xenophobic.. it's pretty obvious. This doubling down by him and his base is shameful.

    He should just admit he was out of line and move on.

  6. There seems to be no limit on what the wackos call TRUMP so i support him on his responses towards them. WE DIDN'T VOTE FOR A PC "PEE WEE HERMAN" FOR PRESIDENT.WE DID VOTE FOR A MAN WITH GUTS FOR A CHANGE.

  7. SOOOOO simple to FACT check the PRESIDENT to prove he's RIGHT. These UN-AMERICAN POS don't like to be called out for what they are.

  8. Northwest Woodsman: what puzzles me is why these people immigrate to our country and bring the mind set, dysfunctional cultural norms and political corruption with them. Sort of reminds me of perpetual spouse,abusers that come from a family where that is a common occurrence and they continue that same behavior. I have a,ways been puzzled by the collapse of Vietnam which began an exodus of Vietnamese to the U.S. As long as we fought the war for them, everything was great but when we began pulling out and turning the fighting to them, they panicked, threw down their weapons and ran as fast as they could to escape. They cared not for their country, their culture or their history. They just ran and we were stupid enough to take them in. I agree with my president. If these “immigrants” want to be activists and desire changes in society, let them go back to their origins and make those changes there even by armed conflict if necessary. Please don’t try to change my country into the pile of excremen that you ran from.

    1. Well stated Northwest Woodsman


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