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Friday, July 26, 2019

Nolte: Robert Mueller Isn’t Senile; He Was a Dirty Cop Forced to Take the Witness Stand

They told us Robert Mueller was Captain America: Crusader for Truth, and instead we got George Costanza and all the inept deception, sweaty stalling, and blundering dishonesty that comes with him.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s bumbling, stumbling, grumbling, tumbling, crumbling testimony Wednesday before the U.S House of Representatives was not only karma on steroids, it once again proved just how brilliant the American Constitution is.

You see, the sublime spectacle of watching Robert Mueller’s reputation go up in flames, flames ignited by his own corrupt report and fueled by three years of the establishment media’s hoax machinery, would not have been possible without the Separation of Powers, without the ability of one branch of government to hold the other in check,

While I certainly sympathize with President Trump not wanting Mueller to appear before congress, because it could only mean one more fake news-cycle distracting from all his successes, I always wanted Mueller to appear.

As awful as congress is, we chose those guys to represent us, to speak for us; and the very idea that we would hand a Robert Mueller tens of millions of dollars, the power to overturn a presidential election, and the unlimited power to prosecute, subpoena, and investigate — the idea that one man would be handed Thor’s hammer and then allowed to hurl a report, give a haughty public statement, and skip town under the cover of Media Mythologizing, was not only intolerable to me, it was un-American.



  1. Dirty cop is a good description however "TRAITOR" might be better

  2. A deep state puppet, WHO is pulling his strings, he will become a sacrifice in their fight to remain in control and POWER, these people have sold their souls to Satan and ONLY fear death!

  3. The Higher you go in Rank > The More Dirty & Corrupt
    You have to be >> FACT in ALL police forces / corrections

  4. The few Good cops are at the Bottom of the ranks / Not Top

  5. They needed an old has been to NOT question ALL the ILLEGAL corrupt procedures they pulled. That guy was obviously you old to even be alive. Let alone be a special council.

  6. He was Hillary's Council & Special Special Special !!!!

  7. He was Not Forced < He Loved it , but FAILED !!!!


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