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Tuesday, July 23, 2019

New York just became the first state to ban cat declawing

Animal advocates are celebrating a big win in New York. The state has become the first in the US to ban cat declawing, a painful procedure that involves removing bones — not just nails — from a cat’s paws.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed an anti-declawing bill into law Monday, calling the practice “archaic,” “inhumane,” and “unnecessary.” Effective immediately, pet owners who have their cats declawed could face a fine of up to $1,000.

“This is a real triumph for cats and the people who love them,” said New York state Assembly member Linda Rosenthal, who’s been championing the bill since 2015. “This has catapulted New York to a leadership position when it comes to cruelty against felines.”

She also said the ban has important implications not just for cats but for animal welfare more broadly: “Having this bill become law indicates that New York is changing the way we view animals and our relationship with them.”



  1. But you can kill babies as old as 9 months!


  2. Exactly as 10:01 notes. A cat of any age is viewed and valued more in the declining Empire State than a full term human being who can see the light at the end of the tunnel before one of Gov. Cuomo's licensed assassins takes their life.

    BTW, like cats.

  3. Glad to see NY has their priorities in order 😁 Not.

  4. There's alot of people moving to the lower shore these days so get ready for the lunacy. Had a few move in the neighborhood and the progressive liberal ideology is comical at best

  5. And yet, animals are higher ranked than feeding homeless vets. Yep our priorities remain solid and logical. Snowflakes without a true clue.

  6. NY is becoming the East Coast California.
    Full of idiots

  7. A cat that is not declawed front at least usually is abandoned, dumped off on the side of the road, or euthanized. Since the 70's if people care about their furniture, their homes in general they realize that either trimming the front claws or having them declawed means the cat usually has a forever home where they are loved, no danger to small children, or destruction. Just because people do this is not a criminal act people neuter cats and dogs so not to have a world of feral cats, and more dogs than are adoptable. Humans have hysterectomies or take birth control so they can provide for the amount of children they can provide an education for, feed, clothe and shelter. Think about it they come right home and claw at everything even when they don't have the claws, if it hurt they would not continue to do so. It is much worse for Democrats & Republicans to hate each other and hate a president for almost 4 years daily, and tear at him and his family.

  8. Idiots!! Next they'll pass a law that trying to fight the infestation of rats in new York City will be illegal and inhumane. The whole world has become a freak show


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