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Friday, July 05, 2019

‘Mini AOC’ Doxxed And Threatened, Family Shuts Down All Her Social Accounts

The family of a young girl who went viral for mocking Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shut down all of her social accounts Wednesday, after receiving death threats and harassing phone calls.

A tweet from the account purporting to belong to the little girl’s stepfather said she will not be doing any more content because the harassment and death threats “have gone too far” and threaten her and the family’s safety.

“Ava will not be doing any more MINI AOC content,” the tweet said. “The Left’s Harassment and death threats have gone too far for our family. We have been getting calls on our personal phone numbers. For our safety and our child’s safety, we deleted all Mini AOC accounts.”



  1. Time to start DOXXING the people making the threats.

  2. Children should be seen and not heard. The problem with all this technology and new media is everyone believes that have a valid opinion and say in matters as free speech but what it amounts to is free and ramped ignorance. Bloggers and Vloggers and Twittering fools think they are journalists LOL and people that do research and GOOGLE the truths that best support their point of view. It's hilarious when I see people say that here " Do the Research " and they have never been to the Library they just subscribe to a lot of internet conspiracies gossip and hearsay and swallow the cool aid. This administration will be a bench mark for future establishing media entertainment and truths and public spectacles from what is actually going on with those invested and truly in power.

    1. library is online now. If your not aware most books have been downloaded to the internet. Makes research easier. Good luck and have a great day.

    2. Lighten up. My goodness what a bad attitude. You have heard of free speech in America. I believe in free speech but must importantly "respect". Use respect in your free speech.

  3. SO - its okay for the LEFT to do ANYTHING, but it cant be turned the other way around.

    Yeah makes perfect sense. Please realize - you can only push so long before you get pushed back. When that happens, look out.

  4. Young person playing in an adult agenda, her parents should have seen it coming! ! !

    1. I commend this young lady for bringing forward how ridiculous AOC is as a congresswoman. I guess Cortez can't take a joke. She only care about illegal immigrant children - not American.

  5. Her parents inspired it.

  6. 1:59

    Are you referring to AOC

  7. but but but it's for the kids! except for the ones we want to abort!
    liberalism is a mental illness. time we started treating them that way!


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