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Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Judicial Watch: Obama’s DOJ Granted Immunity to Hillary Clinton’s Lawyer Who Destroyed 33,000 Emails

Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch on Friday released testimony from Hillary Clinton’s White House-Liaison-at-the-State Department-turned-lawyer, Heather Samuelson and it shows what she told Judicial Watch is at odds with what she previously told the FBI about Hillary’s private email use.

Samuelson testified under oath to Judicial Watch that the DOJ granted her immunity in June of 2016 — remember this is around the same time Bill Clinton met with then-AG Loretta Lynch on the Phoenix airport tarmac.

Heather Samuelson testified under oath to Judicial Watch that contrary to what she told the FBI, she was indeed aware of the fact that Hillary Clinton was using a private email account while she was Secretary of State.

Samuelson’s testimony is a part of a court-ordered discovery granted to Judicial Watch by Judge Royce Lamberth who called Hillary’s use of a private server “one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency.”



  1. No surprise there. Hopefully everything will see some sunshine soon and the radical left will go cartwheeling into the abyss. The Democrats have nothing up there sleeve and are frankly running out of ideas and every day look more and more ridiculous to the point I think they are embarrassed to be interviewed. They sound peevish and exasperated.

    1. The singing is about to begin

  2. Will we ever see the day that HRC pays for her multiple crimes. And the rest of the Kabul that enabled her?

  3. Of course no surprise here and we still want to worry Trump over taxes, instead of Obamas American birth certificate and citizenship.

  4. She needs someone to watch her back or she may have a "Clinton" car, bus, airplane accident or a robbery.

    1. 100% correct 10:43

    2. 1043....your on the target

      Hillary has much dirt on US Congress

      no one wants to be exposed

      Hillary and Bill will commit suicide soon

  5. Hillary and Obama are so far each others butt Bill and Michelle better start to worry, after all they are two of a kind, both have made complete fools of themselves privately and publicly. They neither one can comprehend retirement we are tired of hearing anything about them, what they say and do is only good fodder for the old bird cages. They still see their names in the news and think they are relevant and we actually care. They should have no special privileges or immunity, behind bars is where they belong they are both UNAMERICAN.


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