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Saturday, July 06, 2019

Juan Williams: Joe Biden in 'big trouble' after CNN interview revelation

Fox News's Juan Williams says former Vice President Joe Biden is in "big trouble" after the Democratic presidential frontrunner said he was wasn't ready for Sen. Kamala Harris' attacks during last week's debate.

"He gave the impression he wasn't ready to be challenged. ... If that's true, boy, that's big trouble. He should have known as the frontrunner, there were long knives ready for him," Williams said on "The Five."

In an interview with CNN, Biden told host Chris Cuomo that he "wasn't prepared" for Harris' attack.

“I was prepared for them to come after me, but I wasn’t prepared for the person coming at me the way she came at me. She knew Beau [Biden] and she knows me,” Biden told CNN.




  1. Wow it doesn't surprise me at all , the left turns on themselves in a heart beat . The democrats hate each other . Do you recognize how bad they are , they are the main stream antifa in power.

  2. Harris should be the nominee if the dems want to win. 4.4 million Obama voters stayed home in 2016 and more than 1/3 were black. Another half black nominee might work for them.

  3. Harris should be the nominee if the dems want to win. 4.4 million Obama voters stayed home in 2016 and more than 1/3 were black. Another half black nominee might work for them.


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