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Saturday, July 06, 2019

Joe Biden brushes off AOC 'way left' policy proposals and political prowess

Joe Biden doubts that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's socialist vision is a winning platform for the Democratic Party.

"By the way, I think Ocasio-Cortez is a brilliant, bright woman, but she won a primary," the former vice president said in a CNN interview aired Friday. "In the general election fights, who won? Mainstream Democrats who are very progressive on social issues and very strong on education and healthcare."

Ocasio-Cortez, a 29-year-old freshman congresswoman from New York, unexpectedly defeated 19-year incumbent Democratic Rep. Joseph Crowley in the 2018 primary election. Crowley was thought to be a potential heir to now-Speaker Nancy Pelosi as leader of the House Democrats. She did face a Republican opponent in the 2018 general election, but the heavily Democratic district elected Ocasio-Cortez with 78% of the vote, making her the youngest elected member of Congress.



  1. Joe Biden is brushing off that desperate hair implant face lift and bad spray tan. He looks 80. Trump at least pulls it off.

  2. The entire Dam team are all looney. I thought it would be over with Hillary elimination. I guess there are more crazies than we realize.

  3. AOC and Bite me are both clowns...

  4. Biden not only looks old and fragile but acts old. You can be up in age and still have a good mind of the present. Up-to-date ideas. Joe hasn't moved passed Obama which is old news. When Obama was in office Joe was just hanging on. Accepting monies from China and enjoying the elite life. Now is can't relate. Time Joe to sit this one out.


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