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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Influential Democrat: Why Is Our Party Supporting Criminal Illegal Aliens?

One of New Jersey’s most influential Democrats is expressing concern over the Democrat Party’s broad support for illegal immigration and an open border.

George Norcross, considered the leading unelected Democrat in the state of New Jersey, questioned last year why the Democrat Party has taken the extreme positions of supporting illegal aliens, including those who commit crimes against Americans, and an open border.

“I have at times told people in Washington, whether it was Majority Leader Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi: ‘Why is the Democratic Party supporting criminals that are here illegally,'” Norcross said in the interview that was resurfaced recently by The Intercept.

Nearly every Democrat running for president has announced support for providing all 11 to 22 million illegal aliens with free health care that American taxpayers would be forced to pay for.



  1. They are supporting illegal activity because they are democrats and their isn't a democrat alive who is a good honest moral person. They are are garbage raised by the lowest form of life. Only immoral filth raises democrats.

    1. I'm a Republican, but you sound like an idiot.

  2. George Norcross needs to ask that question time and time again until he gets an answer

  3. They should Also be DEPORTED / START with the SQUAD !!!

  4. Plenty of Americans need help.

  5. 4:05 if he does they will then call him a racist and he will then apologize for saying this. That is what they all do. There isn't a decent honest democrat alive. Used toilet paper has more value to society then any democrat.


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