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Thursday, July 25, 2019

Ilhan Omar Told Somali Immigrant: Why Don't We Deport You Back To "Where Ever You Came From"

Ilhan Omar once told a Somali immigrant to the U.S. “why don’t we deport you” after the immigrant suggested that Somali’s shouldn’t import their culture to America.

In a newly uncovered tweet from October 2012, Omar responds to a Somali immigrant to the U.S. who tweeted an article in which the mayor of Maine encouraged Somalis arriving in America to leave their culture at the door.
“We are citizens and can’t be deported,” tweeted Omar, adding, “why don’t we deport you to where ever you came from.”
Omar’s tweet is deliciously ironic given the controversy over her recent spat with President Trump, after Trump invited Omar to go back and fix her own country before complaining about America.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib also called for the deportation of then candidate Trump in 2015 when she tweeted, “Deport this asshole!”



  1. She is a democrat and just like every single democrat alive she is a liar. All democrats are liars, they lie about everything and they lie constantly. They lie about being outraged over what the President said. They lie and pretend they have morals when there isn't a democrat alive who is a good honest decent person.

  2. Bitch you are going back bc you have been EXPOSED.

  3. Snowflakes Civil war is coming.

  4. Then BOTH Omar and Trump would be wrong to have said that


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