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Saturday, July 06, 2019

How the Trump Administration Is Reining in the EPA’s Union

The Environmental Protection Agency announced a new collective bargaining agreement last week that has outraged the main labor union representing EPA employees.

According to the president of the union—the American Federation of Government Employees—the EPA is “trampling on federal employees’ rights and ignoring the law” with the new agreement.

So what are the draconian provisions that have the union so exercised?

Well, perhaps the biggest change is that EPA employees will have an automatic right to work from home only one day a week instead of two. But the reason the union is up in arms has less to do with working conditions and more to do with losing its own taxpayer-financed perks.

Unlike private-sector unions, which have to charge their members (including some forced members) full price in order to finance themselves, federal employee unions are in large part financed by taxpayers who pay for all sorts of things, such as union office space within government buildings.

More here


  1. Unions, private or gov't, are only out for themselves. I was in one for 38 yrs. Watched it go from fighting for the membership, to compromising, sacrificing, and politicing, everything for their own good. And anyone who has worked in one or a member of one knows I'm right. Unless your a useful idiot, or out for yourself.

  2. I was lucky as a Union consulting Lawyer I never sweated or toiled but I made it my mission to see that those that did got competitive compensation pensions and health care. If you don't think they or you yourself deserved the same than there is no reason to bring jobs back to the states when we can just exploit third world work force rubes. Lets just pay coal miners minimum wages like part time Wal-Mart employees. It's no longer a turn of the Century Industrialist Culture and we owe no one living wages . You can't have it both ways. An uneducated and un-inspired working class looking for jobs no different than hand outs. They don't like to work and they don't want to be lumped in with Minorities.

  3. For those that have not worked and saved and at least invested a million in their future and think their Social Security and Medicare is going to carry them have the same fantasies as Mexicans.

  4. 1.5 million new millionaires are government workers pensions Fidelity writes.

  5. Unions do not represent all Federal workers. Due to your position. Unions in the Federal Government is a joke.


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