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Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Free Summer Meals


  1. Good to that I’ve busted my ass to send my kids to college without taking loans and paying for slacker parents kids lunch

  2. We’re paying for the “poor” to have food stamps so they can buy food to feed their children. WE DON’T NEED TO GIVE FREE BREAKFASTS AND LUNCHES.
    Maybe food stamps should be eliminated and food kitchens opened to supply healthy meals. ( the military knows how to make it work).

  3. Approximately 30% of the population of Wicomico County lives in Salisbury. Why do the other two thirds have to continue to pay for this when they don't offer the same in other towns? All this does is give the parents more money to spend on seafood while we feed their kids.

  4. Are there no hungry kids outside the city?

    1. No bc rainbows r more important .

  5. Exactly, 5:57, Food stamps is more than enough to feed the recipients. Been there, done that, I greatly appreciated them when I needed them.

  6. I guess the EBT crabs n SHRIMP isn't enough.

  7. No restrictions, no registration, so send your kids for breakfast and lunch every day. It's your food, so eat it.

  8. Youth age 18? That's legally an adult. Let them get a job.

  9. How low can this country go? No wonder people don't want to work and pay taxes. Why should they? They get all their needs taken care of by the dumbass government. I see guys working along the roads in the unbearable heat and I just want to stop and ask them "Don't you know there's a better way?"

  10. Yeah, 2:59, those first-graders should get summer jobs so they don't starve!

  11. No, they should get parents who do their job...........feeds their kids!!! You breed 'em............you feed 'em .

  12. Anonymous said...
    Yeah, 2:59, those first-graders should get summer jobs so they don't starve!

    July 3, 2019 at 4:48 PM

    They are not his kids and they are not my kids. They are not going to starve so quit the Fkn Drama. We are already paying for their Food stamps/EBT Card so you can kiss my rosy red arse!


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