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Sunday, July 14, 2019

Florida principal reassigned after he told parent he 'can't say the Holocaust is a factual, historical event'

A principal of a Florida high school has been removed from his job after he allegedly refused to say the Holocaust actually happened because "not everyone believes" the historical event — in which more than six million people were murdered — actually happened.

William Latson, principal of Spanish River High School in Boca Raton, was reassigned to an unspecified new position, the Palm Beach County School District said in a statement, as the South Florida Sun-Sentinel reported.

“In addition to being offensive, the principal’s statement is not supported by either the School District Administration or the School Board," the district said Monday, as the news outlet reported.




  1. That teacher would fit right in with this crowd. Throw out the facts and data and just believe whatever garbage you wish.

  2. Soros Muslim paid that's why there is going to be a civil war.

  3. Right on 11:42 !!!!
    Facts matter

  4. $30.000.000 lawsuit.

  5. He told the truth. Stalin, Churchill, nor Roosevelt mentioned any death camps or extermination and these were the three leaders fighting Nazi Germany. The genocide rhetoric came at the Nuremburg trials and was "proven" from testimony by SS soldiers who were told state it or be hung. It's all a fabrication meant to paint Germany in the worst light and as is today bleed her for reparations along with justification to take Palestine and give it to European Jews.. The Jews were being deported for sure. The "gas" was Xyclon B used to delouse clothes and people as there was no refrigeration and lice carried typhus. That typhus along with allied bombing campaigns destroying Germany's ability to get supplies to the deportation centers is what caused Jewish deaths. One need only do a few hours research to find all of this out.

    1. Look what's happened to ENGLISHSTAN.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    He told the truth. Stalin, Churchill, nor Roosevelt mentioned any death camps or extermination and these were the three leaders fighting Nazi Germany. The genocide rhetoric came at the Nuremburg trials and was "proven" from testimony by SS soldiers who were told state it or be hung. It's all a fabrication meant to paint Germany in the worst light and as is today bleed her for reparations along with justification to take Palestine and give it to European Jews.. The Jews were being deported for sure. The "gas" was Xyclon B used to delouse clothes and people as there was no refrigeration and lice carried typhus. That typhus along with allied bombing campaigns destroying Germany's ability to get supplies to the deportation centers is what caused Jewish deaths. One need only do a few hours research to find all of this out.

    July 10, 2019 at 12:53 PM

    LMAO - wow what kool-aid did Jim Jones use, wait some research would prove that and 911 wrong. You must be the new generation teacher - and a Muslim. OR a major libtard.

  7. what kind of stupid are you 12:53 pm? are you in an institution that has internet access?

  8. General Eisenhower made sure they took as many picture and as many documentations as they could. He said there would be some fool later in history that denied it all happened. He was right!

  9. Why were the Jewish, men, women, and children taken prisoner?

  10. I have the 5 volumes of pictorial history you are talkng about. They were published in 1944.

  11. 12:53
    You must be joking ! One of my relatives was a guard at Nurember Trials - Jews and many others were gassed and burned. I'm a history major and well versed on the extermination of Jews initiative. What you said is shameful!

  12. Sorry (((them))) no one buys the lies anymore. I challenge either of you lot on this blog to provide one instance of Stalin Churchill or Roosevelt mentioning Jewish genocide or death camps. If you can't then let everyone here reading this understand the lies they have been taught and by (((whom))).

    Simply stated, put up or shut up.

    1. Take a 2 hour drive to the holocaust museum in DC and learn something you ignoramus.

  13. The problem with the internet and today's overall media landscape: the words of totally uninformed idiots and trolls are treated just as equally as informed thought and speech

    1. 7:16 You hit the nail on the head! They think because they say it it makes it true🙄

  14. I know I shouldn't feed the trolls but it's a matter of documented history that FDR knew about Hitler's Final Solution (and many believe he did not act appropriately). You asked for proof...I am 100% certain you will not believe anything told to you. But if you google "President's Personal File 19 - Jewish Matters, 1942-1945," you will see his letters in 1942 that talk about the extermination of the Jews in Nazi Germany.

    Just in case it isn't clear - this is "putting up." Holocaust deniers need to be the one's "shutting up."

  15. BS
    My father in law was in WW2 infantry and personally saw the concentration camps

  16. @3:39, you are a liar plain and simple. The government of Russia, England and America never mentioned any of these crimes and would have did so non stop if any of it were true. Those lies came after Nuremburg when the Zionist having brought Germany to defeat took that opportunity to set themselves up to bankrupt the country and portray themselves as an eternal victim.

    But let me go a step further. Why should anyone care about your special pain? Sweetie the world is a cruel place and every race on earth endured slaughter and violence. Yours isn't the slightest bit more worthy of note than any other.

  17. @8:06, no that's not putting it up snowflake. Documented history means jack. Lies are often documented. Its documented OJ Simpson was found not guilty of murder. He's a murderer.

    Link a video of either of the three detailing the charges of genocide, death camps, and a final solution. This would have made the entire world turn against Germany, its a war propaganda gold mine. Yet neither of them said anything about it. Only after Nuremburg did this lie come forth and neither of the three said it.

    The Holocaust is a fabrication. One of the biggest, if not thee biggest, swindles of all time.

    Here's another curious thought for you. If America "saved the Jews" why do we need a museum to remember it or constant reminder of it? It's almost like we are being subconsciously blamed for it and forced to acknowledge it. Americans owe (((them))) nothing. If anything, (((they))) owe us. Is there a museum in Israel for all the dead people from WW2? I'm curious.

    1. One thing I do know for sure is that you hates Jews. May God have mercy on your soul. God will bless those who bless Israel.

    2. 11:02 So all the Jews who have reportedly witnessed mass deaths were just lying about it? So by your philosophy because “the three” didn’t say it that means it didn’t happen. I’ve seen an awful lot of pics that suggest otherwise. I don’t need to “hear” it for it to be real. Pictures speak volumns.

  18. Northwest Woodsman: I understand that Jewish sources downgraded from 6 million to 2 million, a difference of 4 million. If the first figure claimed was so outrageous it makes me question the validity of the current claim. Another “Victors write the history” (and compile the stats) situation. I have studied WWII extensively and truly do not know who to believe.

  19. When (((they))) have made it illegal to question it in countries they managed to secure political power you need not question its validity. Only a lie needs that cover. Can you imagine someone questioning the transatlantic slave trade? It's so obviously true, albeit precise details less so, that it needs no protection. Nor would a genocidal death camp.

    One more easy to understand aspect to the lie.

    Germany had no shortage of bullets, as the allies can attest to. There was zero need to handle "dangerous gas" and attempt to lure these people into a room to have it done then bothering to move the dead bodies for disposal. They could have dug a huge pit, lined them near the edge, and shot them all dead.

    The simple answer is almost always the truth. It didn't happen. Germany was doing exactly what we are doing to Central Americans and Mexicans. Unlike those two, (((they))) owned the worlds printing press and could fabricate whatever mass delusion they needed.

    1. And just exactly what do you think “we” are doing to Mexicans and Central Americans ?

  20. 1253 is correct.

    Thank you for stating the truth as I understand it too.
    Yes, it requires some reading and an open mind.

    One will find out quite a bit about the global agendas and WHO is behind them when one reads with an open mind. Ignore the main stream sources. Got to original sources when ever possible (the actual writings of people during the era in question).

    Both sides of that war were controlled by the same globalist banking families who control the world now. They are the secret owners of the Fed, ECB, BOJ, (Central Banks) and major share owners of all of the global banks.

    War is a racket. Literally

  21. @11:29, exactly as Germany was doing with a different yet equally valid reason to do so. Deporting a foreign entity hell bent on taking what they can and leaving the host to deal with cost.

  22. @11:35 Yes they are. Just like a solid majority of black people lie on behalf of their own and agenda when it suits the narrative.

    Just about all police shootings on camera of an "innocent" black men always start with the black man doing something that every other race in America would not do in the presence of a police.

    As for your pictures they are mostly victims of typhus, which is spread by lice, which was what xyclon b was used for. Delousing. Typhus leaves people emaciated. There is also the fact that the allies destroyed the infrastructure in bombing Germany and towards the end of the war food and resources could not be delivered.

    I can only laugh at people in the day of CGI and the internet placing a picture over common sense. I guess you think we walked around on the moon to eh? They have a picture of it and all.

  23. 12:53 = just another conspiracy nut job

  24. 9:07 Just another of (((them))) that believes if they repeat the lie often its big enough people will believe it. They didn't get the memo the internet killed that technique.

    *They come with adhominems but won't a single one come with Stalin, Churchill or Roosevelt outlining the Holocaust. They can't because it's a lie.
    6 gorillion were said to have died, that number has been changed now quite a few times and grows ever smaller.*


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