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Friday, July 19, 2019

Drug Overdose Deaths Drop in U.S. for First Time Since 1990

“Three decades of ever-escalating deaths from drug overdoses in the United States may have come to an end, according to preliminary government data made public Wednesday. Total drug overdose deaths in America declined by around 5 percent last year, the first drop since 1990,” The New York Times reports.

“The decline was due almost entirely to a dip in deaths from prescription opioid painkillers . . . President Trump made the opioid crisis one of the health care priorities in his 2016 campaign message.”

The President declared the opioid epidemic a national public health emergency in 2017.

Click here to read more.


  1. Great News. But still a lot to do because under the useless obama admin overdose deaths climbed 5000 plus per year.

  2. Anyone else think it might be because the economy is doing so much better?

  3. Overdose deaths are down, but are overdoses down? Deaths might be down because so many people have narcon now and deaths are being stopped.

  4. 2:34 Good point. Overdoses are down as well. But.....the number of clients receiving Methadone and other maintenance drugs has increased significantly.


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