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Sunday, July 14, 2019


Often when we hear that a city is planning a round-up and slaughter of Canada geese, community leaders are quick to inform us that they plan to donate the meat from the slaughtered geese to food banks. Saying this appears to appease many people who might otherwise be opposed to the round-up and slaughter. However, does this really happen?

There is very little information available on reported contaminated goose meat because the cost of testing and processing the goose meat for donation to food banks comes out of the community's budget, i.e. taxpayers pocket. Rather than incur an unnecessary added expense, most community leaders chose to have the geese buried in a landfill.

Canada geese ingest a variety of chemical toxins which are prevalent in the environment. These toxins are absorbed in the birds' tissue. The problem with eating goose meat is not what is known but what is unknown. The following considerations should be taken seriously when goose meat is donated to food banks. 



  1. It's the government, they can do whatever they want.

  2. Who knows what the geese in Salisbury were contaminated with. YUCK. We know where they have been swimming. That water is disgusting.

    1. Yeah...far better for those people to starve, right? That sounds like it makes sense. Smh

  3. My take on the reported local donations: the shelter operators, being gracious folks, accept the gift with a big smile and thank you -- and then make it disappear cuz they know full well it is not sanitary or up to food safety standards.

  4. Oh Spare me this drivel. I've been shooting Ducks and Geese my entire life and the only problem with them is there was never enough and I'm 73 years old Oh! and an Easternshoreman. Deer meat the same way 3 of which I shot and donated two to the homeless and I paid for the processing at a discounted price because they were being donated. The Md. Dept. of Natural Resources is one problem with their poor game management. A bunch of College Graduates, who don't know a fish hook from a harpoon. I wouldn't advocate that all the Resident Geese be killed but they need some serious thinning out, every year, so far as the donated meat is concerned, how much money do you think this is saving for the taxpayer as opposed to buying an equal amount of other meat?

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. I seriously doubt they actually take the time to pluck and whatever else the dead goose to donate the meat.

  7. This wouldn't be a problem if folks would just stop feeding the birds. Yes it's just that simple. They are wild birds and have the instincts to forage on their own. This means that they will migrate with the seasons. But we've allowed (well intentioned) citizens to continue to feed wild life without educating them to the long term effects. As recent was 15 years ago we never saw a local non-migrating bird population that we presently have. Now such a large portion of the local goose population has lost the instinct to migrate. A goose, per pound, can produce as much as four times the amount of waste as does a human. And since it's untreated waste it causes major pollution to streams, lakes, and ponds. Thus killing off other natural inhabitants. I'll eat a migratory goose but not one of these "local geese". So folks the next time you want to take the kids to the park and feed the geese.....PLEASE DON'T.

    1. You are so wrong 11:32, the geese are not being fed everywhere they are over populating.

  8. I am a resident of Ocean Pines, and we saw this happen recently. For a moment, I'll disregard the politics of that mess (like closed door decisions and the BS they tried to feed the public afterwards) Residents were told that the euthanasia of the geese was done humanely - when pressed, residents were told the same story that is being presented to Salisbury residents now. The problem with that is the fact that nobody ha disclosed how exactly this is done. Here in the Pines, we were told is was essentially poison - again no definition, but lots of pretty words. Unfortunately, what kills the geese would make a real mess of any meat donated on top of what the geese have previously digested that may be harmful to humans. Frankly Salisbury, you are being lied to again - shocker.....

    We asked to know EXACTLY how the geese were killed - i.e., what was the method of execution (yes, that was said in the open meeting). That is when everything went sideways - no official wanted to go on record and they were all eager to exit stage left....I think if I was and interested Salisbury resident, I would ask that question in front of the Mayor and who ever else was involved and RECORD IT (be sure you tell them that you are planning to do just that....would be interesting to see the reaction that occurs when they are pressed and put on public record that they cannot deny....better question is why aren't the local news stations doing just that?

  9. 10:57am Shake your head right off your shoulder dummy. Nothing from Nothing equals nothing. You don't starve people by taking away what they never had.

    The whole point is that Jake Gay says one thing and then expects us to take him at his word. No proof. No documentation.

    For the record IDC about those birds. They are generally a nuisance and should not be living here year round.

    1. Since you seem to have difficulty with intelligent dialog, maybe you should confine your interactions to the other residents at the asylum.

  10. The homeless shelters are experiencing record vacancies over the last year! THANKS TO THE TRUMP ECONOMY!

    1. We need to cut back there funds IE THE TAX PAYERS.

  11. I know there are people who will disagree with me but rounding up 352 geese to murder is just human stupidity and laziness. Each one of those geese have one life given to them just like humans. I have nothing against responsible hunters,but this is just plain murder. Shame on humans that think this planet only belongs to us and screw the idiots behind this atrosity


  12. FOIA the Ag Dept for the actual story about the request to cull the geese. From whom and when?

    Geese are numerous and the crap is a problem but the city should have surfaced this as a problem and announced a plan to reduce the population. Fiddling with the eggs works and eventually drops the population, but it's fairly evident this kill was done now with an eye to the folkedfest and the millions planning to surge to the 'bury.

    Perhaps the bright lights at PETA will demonstrate during the folkedfest?

  13. Well it wouldn't surprise me if mayor goofy and the rest of the stooges would think feeding the meat to the homeless would be a great idea. Just watch on the pac channel and not one can strike anyone as being anything other then a bunch of halfwits.

  14. Trap them and transport them to some of the local public marshes like Deal Island, Fairmont, Elliotts Island etc.

  15. ask how much mayor dopey spent on this? also ask mayor dopey if he contacted any other communities and cities who have done this and how did it work out. and i don't mean did a year or 2 ago but a minimum of 5 yrs ago. i'll answer the thought never crossed mayor dopey's mind. I personally know of many area who tried this and in 3 4 5 yrs the population is back to what it was. but we've seen mayor dopey fall for ever scam in the book there is. The ONLY way to reduce the population and for any significant amount of time is to keep gathering the eggs before the goose sits. there is about a 2 wk period this can be done. not only does this reduce the population by those eggs not hatching BUT when a goose starts to notice eggs missing they tend to go and find another area to lay and if you gather those eggs they go further and further away.

  16. Hunting Geese in the open rivers are better for you than the ones in the Wicomico around Salisbury City limits because of the contamination in the river in this area. I eat fish from the sound and ponds but not in the Wicomico because of this constant contamination. If I was to eat these donated Geese I would get names of all involved so if I got sick or had to have constant medical problems I would sue them just like the 9/11 people.

  17. Wor Wic geese are all missing too?! Guessing they had theirs killed at the same time as Salisbury. When Ocean Pines was done last time, the same morning Wor Wic geese were missing again. There is zero way that meat is processed and given to shelters. At least report the truth.

    1. Is someone feeding the geese at wor-wic ?

  18. You had them killed Jake and we Know IT!

  19. I was at the Salisbury Park today. I could only count about 10 geese. They got them alright! It is a shame, it really is. Does Jake have one honest bone in his body? Why doesn't he just fess up?

  20. The goose poop at the Center at Salisbury parking lot was ridiculous on Saturday! It was all over the sidewalk near the mens dept. entrance at Macy's. You had to walk around dodging it or have a mess on your shoe.

  21. There was no donation and no euthanasia is humane try it Boy Mayor and why wait two weeks after the supposed kill to announce what you did, have you ever had a day DAY when you didn't lie? Please all you shelters in the area let us know the true story did you receive any such donation, and really 400+ birds someone would know?

  22. Cooking thoroughly should take care of it.


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