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Friday, July 12, 2019

Couple throws "MAGA" wedding, paying tribute to President Trump

A couple from Kalamazoo, Michigan, made quite a political statement with the theme of their recent nuptials. Their wedding hashtag? #MAGAPatriotWedding.

Bride Audra Johnson wore a plain white wedding gown for the ceremony, but then changed into a dress that really turned heads for her wedding photos. It was decorated with sparkly red lettering down the front, spelling out President Trump's famous campaign slogan: Make America Great Again. The skirt of the fishtail dress simply said "TRUMP."

While Johnson wore the red and white, her bridesmaids wore the blue. The bride told CBS News the Fourth of July wedding was originally just going to be patriotic-themed, until she reached out to dress designer Andre Soriano.



  1. Personally, I think this is kind of ridiculous. On the flip side though, I noticed that most news outlets didn't cover this. Had this been an Obama or Hillary tribute, it would've been plastered all over the news, the internet, and billboards.

  2. I hope he plows her ass good, and yells MAGA!, at the end.

  3. I guarantee that these two will live happily ever after and raise children that respect their elders. They have a super bright future ahead of them!

  4. What an attractive group.


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