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Sunday, July 28, 2019

Cost of staying in Ocean City may increase as Worcester Co. considers room tax hike

Staying in Maryland’s Ocean City could get more expensive at the start of 2020.

The room tax you pay may go up to 5% from 4.5%.

Worcester County Commissioners will hold a public hearing on the proposal Aug. 20.

You pay county room taxes for any hotel, motel or condo you rent in Worcester County. Plus, you pay state sales taxes of 6%.



  1. I'm sure they will spread the wealth of the increase to the southern part of the county also. Ha!

  2. Always more taxes and fees from OC and Worcester County. Should be less spending.

  3. Starting to get like NY and tax tax tax people OUT .

  4. OATH KEEPERS ... we do not like PALSJuly 23, 2019 at 11:14 AM

    more criminals will roam the streets and boardwalk now

    less business for the stores in o.c.

  5. another straw on the camels back...boy maryland sure is greedy and stupid!!!get out now b4 its to late..maybe they should try lowering costs not increasing!!!! this garbage is just shoveling dirt on yourself and gonna ruin the $15 an hour min wage...

    or is it we have to pay for all these anchor babies?

  6. Folks will just go to Florida or the Bahamas !!!!

  7. It has never been a problem for me. I stopped going there for vacation thirty years ago.

    I visit Hilton Head, Carolina Beach or the mountains of WV, or Destin Florida. It's cheaper there and there are more things to see and do without the crime. Ocean temp is warmer as well and the people are friendlier!

    Most places down south also don't charge for parking and there few toll plaza's. I also plan to move down south when I retire. And yes, the grass is definitely greener away from the tax hell of Maryland!

  8. I think it's a great idea. Tax the hell out of these tourists until they stay home or take the family on a cruise instead of a vacation in O.C. Image the decrease in traffic without the Keystoners making right hand turns from the far left lane.

    1. They sure are good at making left turns from far right lanes, not caring who or what is between

  9. You can double that tax and it will still be cheaper for the NY and NJ people than their own back yard. Nothing will stop them from coming here. They have really changed the island, it is sad.

  10. Ocean City is GREEDY !!!! And it will bite them in the ass !!

  11. GOOD! Hope the rates go so high that all of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York and Virginia will stay the hell home. Quit coming down here to practice your driving.

  12. Buy a rv for 15k. Park & ride to the beach all day. Pack all your own food. Time for sleep take the bus back and Drive 20 minutes to Salisbury Walmart and sleep for free. 3 years camper pays for its self. I have been doing it for 10 Years. Same camper. However this year I’m staying at Joes for bike week.

  13. Worcester county Rep Harris just gave you guys $50,000 for libraries and now your county wants more in room tax. What is your County doing with this money. Paying more police officers to control NYers!

  14. Nobody NEEDS Ocean City / It Needs YOU !!! Hint Hint

  15. More tax money to go to Baltimore.

  16. July 28, 2019 at 7:43 AM:

    Nope, that's the COUNTY room tax. I hope they keep raising it and keeping my county taxes lower than the rest of the state. Baltimorons PAY the room tax, Worcester County gets it. I don't mind those tourists, at all. I stay away from them all summer. I get my Thrasher's in the winter. No parking fees, and few tourists. OC in the summer has become one overcrowded, expensive nightmare. I want a vacation where I can relax, not one where I have to compete in line for everything and pay exorbitant prices to get it. Then there's all the frustration, aggression and stress of being packed in like rats in a box. It makes people behave like animals. They can have OC. I ceded it to them years ago. It's not worth it.


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