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Saturday, July 06, 2019

California Democrats Move To Allow Illegal Aliens To Hold Party Leadership Positions

CNS News reports that Democratic lawmakers in California have introduced a bill to allow illegal aliens and non-citizens eligible for leadership positions within state political parties.

Melanie Arter reports that "current state law limits noncitizen participation in party politics, but the bill, SB 288, would change that, letting noncitizens, including illegal immigrants like Dreamers, serve as state convention delegates and county committee leaders within the Democratic Party, which will allow them to be involved with party platform and other issues."

Supporters say that the proposed legislation is about showing welcoming support for all immigrant groups. “We need to continue to send a very, very loud message that we are … going to embrace and uplift and support all American immigrant neighbors,” said Sen. Scott Weiner (D-San Francisco), who introduced the bill.



  1. Man this is a sad time in America

  2. California needs to break off and fall into the ocean never to be heard from again.

  3. Dumbocrats are traitors to this country

  4. That has to go against the laws of our nation,can’t these idiots be thrown out of office?


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