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Saturday, July 06, 2019

Betsy Ross flag now decried by 2020 Dems, pundits was flown during Obama's 2nd inauguration

While Democrats and media pundits pounce to decry the Betsy Ross flag as racially problematic -- with one even likening the symbol to Nazi swastikas -- the very same flag flew prominently during then-President Barack Obama’s second inauguration ceremony in 2013.

The reminder that the flag was displayed during Obama’s inauguration came amid the controversy from Nike halting the release of shoes bearing the flag, which flew during the Revolutionary War.

The company worried that the flag could “unintentionally offend” people, after controversial football player Colin Kaepernick expressed concern over the design, claiming it recalled the slavery era and has been appropriated by white nationalists. The controversy quickly worked its way into the national political bloodstream, with some Democratic presidential candidates siding with Nike.




  1. No more Bullshit. God Bless America and God bless President Trump !!!

  2. Hypocritical POS.

  3. This is what Dems do no research just jump the gun then look like assholes in the end.

  4. this because there isn't a moral decent honest democrat alive. every single one is a liar except the time they called themselves nasty. nasty garbage wastes of air are all they are and that goes for every single one of them. anyone who was raised by decent good moral people would not ever be a democrat there isn't one dead or alive who is worthy to even be breathing the same air as the good righteous honest people of the GOP democrats only foul the air because they are putrid and rank the the worst kind of thing society has to offer. there isn't' one who has ever nor will ever contribute a thing positive to society.

  5. Obama talks out of both sides of his mouth just like Hillary neither one remembers what they stood for prior to 2016 election. LIARS.

  6. My problem with it along with the founding of the Country by Freemasons, is the witchcraft represented by the flag. 13 Pentagrams in a circle, decked out by stripes of blood on virgin white skin.

    The Colonies were a witches' coven.

  7. 11:33 AM - And...?


  9. Very interesting comments here

    I feel uneducated suddenly


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