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Saturday, July 27, 2019

Ayanna Pressley to Introduce Bill Banning Federal Death Penalty

Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) is set to introduce a bill banning the federal death penalty in response to the Justice Department’s announcement regarding the policy.

“The death penalty has no place in a just society,” Pressley wrote in a tweet Thursday with an attached picture of the bill.

The bill states:
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person may be sentenced to death or put to death on or after the date of enactment of this Act for for any violation of Federal law. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any person sentenced to death before the date of enactment of this Act for any violation of Federal law shall be resentenced.


  1. Are you scared Ayanna? You should be, treasonous democrats should all be scared!

  2. TRUMP.... Is she related to Elvis LOLOLOLOL.

  3. Does this bill include unborn children in the womb

  4. Add to the bill that those that should have been put to death, will now reside with her or another family member forever.

  5. NOTHING can stop whats coming. Pain is coming.

  6. No problem. You kill my family I'll load up and look for yours.

  7. She already supports the death penalty by supporting abortions that kill babies without a trial.


  8. PR stunt. Pelosi would have to let it come to a vote on the threshold of an election year. Probably not. If it passed the House it would never see the light of day in the Senate, unless having a vote would put Dems up for election under a negative spotlight.

    Finally if the bill ever got to the Oval Office it would be vetoed, probably with families of murder victims in attendance.

    Short version: Bill is DOA.


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