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Monday, July 15, 2019

Ayanna Pressley: Minority border agents act as 'a cog' in machine of oppression

Speaking at the Netroots Nation convention in Philadelphia on Saturday, Massachusetts Rep. Ayanna Pressley claimed black and brown people who work for the U.S. Customs and Border Protection are "a cog" in the machine that perpetuates oppression and incarceration of people that "look just like them."

Pressley is part of the ultra-liberal faction of the Democratic Party that is backed by political action committee Justice Democrats and often referred to as "The Squad." The Squad also included Reps. Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Rashida Tlaib, who have all been the subject of controversy in the House of Representatives after Speaker Nancy Pelosi chided them for criticizing more moderate Democrats in Congress.

Pressley was part of a group of Congress members who recently visited border immigration facilities in El Paso, Texas, and widely condemned detention centers housing unauthorized immigrants for being unsanitary and overcrowded. She later testified to the House Oversight Committee about her experience, which was sharply critical of border agents handling of the detention centers.



  1. More like she's a cog in the Democrat party to keep racism alive! Border security, not lack thereof, is what most Americans want. There is a system in place for coming here legally, use it!!

  2. They don't act as a cog you idiot. They are enforcing the law!!!

  3. She is a B... H.

  4. Another B.... H Jackson Lee.

  5. Just another idiot Democrat who does not know the law or UN law. You have to declare in the first Country you enter after leaving your Country. She does not condemn Obama and her Democrats set the policy that Border Patrol is acting on. Her and her idiot group of four are not pushing the Democrats to help fix the problem rationally in accordance with US and UN law.

  6. The President is going to announce amnesty for 30 million illegal immigrants. Then he is going to strip the citizenship and deport 30 million Democrats. SOUNDS LIKE A GREAT PLAN TO ME!


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