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Sunday, July 28, 2019

After Calling the Border Crisis a “Distraction and “Manufactured” — Chuck Schumer Now Blames Trump for the ‘Inhumane’ Conditions

It seems like it was just yesterday that Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and Speaker Nancy Pelosi ridiculed President Trump calling the border crisis a “distraction” and a “manufactured crisis.”

But Chuck Schumer the politician has now changed his tune.
On Saturday Chuck went to the border and then blamed President Trump for the crisis.

Schumer told reporters the conditions at the holding centers are “inhumane”.

Democrats are putting illegal aliens first — in front of Americans.

More/See the videos


  1. WRONG CHUCKIE!! You have been in office for decades and have not fixed the problems. You and Pelosi carry the blame from the American people.

  2. Democrats are not putting illegal aliens first. Sadly, we have lost all humanity. Illegal alien has become a designation that allows people to see them as something other than human.

    This is something the left is extremely passionate about so politicians are playing the game to garnish votes, plain and simple.

    It is beyond me how we can sit back and treat other human beings like this, regardless of where they are from and what they are fleeing. The fact that there is a bad apple in the bunch does not mean you throw the bushel away to rot.

  3. The conditions are inhumane nonetheless. The same people who throw on green for Paddys Day turn a blind eye to men, women and children fleeing a country where they can be killed at will and at random. I guess they should have had more control on where they were brought into the world, right? I thought all lives matter? Clearly not the lives who are a shade darker than you are.

    1. 12:02 Conditions are not inhumane. That’s a flat out lie. Stop listening to the msm. You know there is a right way to come into our country but don’t let that little fact get in the way of your bs. By your comment I see you really have no grasp of what kind of people are crossing the border illegally. I see by your comment your only about stirring the racism pot. What I don’t see is how you could be ok with handing everything to an illegal immigrant all the while our own veterans and elderly are struggling. How very anti American of you. I suggest you take on as many illegals as you can. I would also suggest you pay for said illegals yourself. I’d prefer my tax dollars be used for those who served our country🤷‍♀️

  4. 11:58 tribalism is flourishing. This treatment of foreigners is not new for America, just history repeating itself.

    Perhaps the politicians could have put Americans first when they let small towns become flooded with opioids so pharmaceutical companies could turn a massive profit for themselves and their investors. "America first!" they scream as their medicare is cut and billion dollar corporations skirt tax laws avoiding their contribution to our country.

  5. It's a shame people like 11:50 put all the blame on 2 people rather than admitting a decade long Republican Congress hasn't done shit eitehr

  6. If they stayed home, they wouldn't have to put up with this. Pass me the kool-aid

  7. 11:58- Illegal alien means what it implies, ILLEGAL! Go thru the LEGAL process and your more than welcome in the GREAT U.S.A. Seems pretty clear and simple to me, no?

  8. There is no crisis at the border so the Democrats and leftmedia says.

  9. 11:58 ...throw it away back to the country it came from! Very simple. Oh, almost forgot..take some of those liberals as well!

  10. 12:02... same ole race card thee I see. You and 11:58 are cleared to leave as well! A day of reckoning is almost at hand...

  11. To all the bleeding heart liberals who are saying the conditions are inhumane, the Republicans haven't done sh*t either, blah, blah, blah. Just remember one thing, they are ILLEGAL ALIENS, they came into this country ILLEGALLY. They did not seek asylum, they basically invaded our country. To seek asylum, you must go to the port of entry and request asylum. The Attorney General has made this very clear. Not cross the desert in the dark of night. Damn, when are you idiots going to face the facts. They are CRIMINALS, they committed a CRIME by coming here ILLEGALLY!!!!

    1. Nancy PELOSI a 1%er should open up 2of her 3 homes to them ? Dems are ALL FN HYPOCRITEs.


  12. If half the visitors to OC on a summer weekend suddenly showed up on your doorstep expecting you to feed, clothe, bathe, shelter them indefinitely things would get congested and untidy pretty quickly.

    Someone or a collection of like minded someones is recruiting these illegals and facilitating their passage to our border. It isn't for any humanitarian reason, because they choose not to spend their money fixing things up in the countries of origin. They are intent upon destroying our form of government and culture.

    Seal the border. Send them back home. Indict and prosecute those sponsoring this invasion. Continue to welcome legal immigrants with a wide variety of skills and cultures.

  13. Please publish this because i need to know. When the Republicans had the House, the Senate and the Presidency what did they do and why was this not solved then?

  14. 2:01
    It wasn't as big of a problem until January of this year. The number of people crossing the border in January went from 35k in 2018 to 58k in 2019. Feb 2018 36k ..76k in 2019
    March 2018 50k to 103k in 2019 April 2018 51k to 109k May 2018 51k to 144k in 2019. June 2018 43k to 104k in 2019. They are getting double and triple the amount of people so far this year as they did last year. Anyone with half a brain could see they there was a problem. They needed help and the dems continue to ignore the problem but now want to complain there is a problem. Trump has been saying this for a long time and it just got worse. You can't take care of people if you have no funding to do so.

  15. Gee Chuck I blame you and Congress for not doing anything and in this upcoming election you will see most of America feels the same way.


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