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Tuesday, June 25, 2019

What American patients have a right to know—before they go to the doctor

President Trump’s mission for healthcare can be summed up in just four words: put American patients first.

Today, he took another step toward that goal, signing an executive order that requires hospitals to publicly disclose what people actually pay for important medical services in an easy-to-read format.

For too long, powerful interests have blocked patients from knowing the true price and quality of their healthcare, preventing them from making informed choices. Lack of transparency contributes to soaring costs, suppressed competition, and lower quality of care. As a result, patients face wild variations in prices—often for the exact same services.

Publicizing the true prices of healthcare services will allow Americans to make choices that fit their personal healthcare needs and their financial situations. “We believe the American people have the right to know the price of services before they go to visit the doctor,” President Trump said today.

Watch President Trump unveil today's landmark healthcare action.


  1. Well as long as Americans are not proactive about their own health, diet,exorcise and willing to be victims and take whatever drug of the day that comes down the pike to release them from the personal irresponsibility of their malaise. We will never have a unified health care system and they will be exploited and it will cost those of us that do. Why should I pay if your inactive,obese and diabetic or have cancer or liver disease from your lazy life style choices ? Natural selection is not glandular or a condition and those of us that know and make and effort to live healthy should not be paying for the weak.

  2. Great! Now i can turn down the $10 tylenol.

  3. Are they going to report the cash-pay/no insurance price or the charges they use for patients with insurance? There's a big difference.

  4. 6:12 be careful!!!
    you speak of a brave new world! are you a liberal?
    God help you if your diease free body gets maimed in a car accident..why should i pay for a idiot like you who thinks he owns the road or didnt look both ways?
    bad stuff happens to bad people? is that the new motto?
    So if guys like you are in charge. then what bussiness is it for the likes of your ilk to dictate what goes into preserving our health and bodies?

    Do you think the FDA is protecting our food sources? or allowing us to be slowly poisioned? then on the other end keeping us alive long enough to fleece us dry, but stifle curing anything?

    who gets the final say to pull your plug if your deemed to fat, lazy, or sickly?? do i get a flu shot or dont I?
    lets not forget, about unsafe gay sex? body mutilation? who gets to say whats ok?
    whats the level of drug,donut,foxnews abuse?
    how do we treat the human sloths?
    and of course death panels that get to decide who gets treated first.
    A 30 y/o black male or 57 y/o mexican, screw the white guy he has been at the head of the line long enough.
    Yeh boy a Free national health care system that requires some kind of repercussions for bad health habits.
    sounds like a slippery slope to me.

    were do i sign up??

  5. Fox news abuse? LOL Network abuse comes from all the lies and refusal of MSM to report real news.

  6. I love how the delirious libs keep criticizing Trump to distract from their failures. Trump, the non-politician, twitters to enrage them more, all the while his admin is working to finally correct the bad policies that both parties have refused to fix for years. I'm enjoying the show. LOL


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