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Saturday, June 08, 2019

Trump’s UK Visit Was a Glowing Success

It’s not too much to call President Donald Trump’s state visit to Britain, which concluded on Wednesday, a big success. The curious thing is that much of the American media went out of their way to ignore that fact.

The New York Times stands in for a lot of the U.S. coverage. “Trump Insults London Mayor as ‘Loser’ as He Pays Tribute to the Queen,” it blared on Monday as the state visit began.

On Wednesday, as the president left Britain, the Times was at it again: “President Trump, Unloved in Britain, Still Tries to Play Kingmaker.” It’s almost like they want him to fail.

The media has a simple script. When the president is a Republican abroad, the correct approach is to blame everything on him and play up as many negatives as possible. But when the president is a liberal, anything less that fulsome applause is a betrayal of the tradition that politics stops at the water’s edge.



  1. The Queen is not an easy sell as far as her opinion of US presidents, the fact that she openly accepted him and respected him speaks volumes what the media thinks really doesn't matter. He has certainly surpassed Clinton & Obama in ability and accomplishments.

  2. Exactly correct 2:31, best President we have in this country in the last 50+ years or more, maybe the best President ever.
    MAGA TRUMP 2020


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