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Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Transgender Illegal Aliens Get Special Treatment, Hormone Therapy

Immigration centers are dangerously overcrowded yet the federal agency slammed with an onslaught of migrants provides a separate unit for transgender illegal immigrants as well as costly hormone therapy and a number of other perks. Thanks to an Obama policy continued by the Trump administration, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) gives transgender illegal aliens special treatment, including their own detention center in New Mexico that offers hair and makeup classes, a recreation area, gym, television rooms, a lab and pharmacy. There are also meeting areas for trans detainees to consult with free legal services provided by advocacy groups.

American taxpayers furnish the hormone therapy, which “is not cheap,” according to an ICE director quoted in a recent news report about the New Mexico transgender facility, which opened in 2017.

The reality is that ICE has long offered transgender illegal immigrants special services under an Obama-era policy that the Trump administration can easily reverse but has chosen not to. ICE officials and front-line personnel are outraged that the Trump administration continues the policies, which some in the agency refer to as dangerous, expensive and foolish. Rank and file are at their wits end, according to ICE officials interviewed by Judicial Watch this week.

More here


  1. Important to note here that the policy was not reversed. Also important to look at what legislation McConnel is blocking in the Senate. The most recent and most outrageous was the bipartisan attempt to tighten election security. You would think that bill would be a no brainer right?

  2. They probably get SPA treatments too & Manicures too !!!!

    On America's Dime !!!! Millions / Billions of Dimes !!!!

    Simply Send them the Hell Back with Nothing !!!!

  3. 11:47 McConnel is the worst thing to happen to our democracy in years

  4. Mr Trump has the same bosses as Barry

    POTUS works for the globalist bankers who are inducting humanity into a satanic occult

    1. 153

      go back to mommys basement

      College Classes begin in the fall

      Mommy will change your diaper and give you a blankey


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