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Sunday, June 16, 2019

The Truth Is, .....


  1. Right. Would have been swept under the Clinton carpets.
    And they have the f-Ing nerve to label as as a basket of deplorables.

  2. If this is true how come there have been dozens of indictments (and several convictions) of folks connected with the Trump administration and none for Obama administration?

  3. 6:56 am
    You need to change your source of news. Maybe start with not watching CNN.

  4. The Trump victory exposed that US Elections are rigged. Trump was not supposed to win. Each party's puppet masters have a line-up pushing the UN agenda of globalism/climate change/diversity/open borders. Policies created to reduce the US wealth and sovereignty. EX: Clintons, Romney, McCain, Obama, Bushs.

  5. 7:22,spot on to that!The swamp is controlled by democrats and republicans that are really democrats.

  6. 6:56 AM...anyone remotely or otherwise connected to the Trumps were "convicted" of things not relating to collusion. You are in for a big surprise when the IG report comes out and the truth about the FISA warrant is revealed and just how dirty all of the stuff leading up to the special counsel investigation was. RE: the Obama administration, he was the first black president and protected by the Soros billions; but not to worry, when all of the above sees daylight Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Lynch, et al will be singing like canaries.

  7. Oh we've known all along how dirty those lowlife Democrats are, it's just that you couldn't talk about it until Donald Trump came along and put it right out there for the whole world to see. GOD bless President Trump. Trump 2020

    1. Correct, the only President with the balls to call it like it is. No sugar coating or beating are the bush. The deep state corruption has been hidden from the public long enough. President Trump is exposing these traitors and they hate him for it.

  8. The Democrat Party has always been “dirty”, from its action to keep people in slavery and disbanding the Union, establishment of the KKK, and continued abuse of government agencies and power. Trump’s election has caused an overt exposure, confirmation and a stark reminder of their past and present behavior.

    The leadership of the Democrat Party espouse socialism and communism as a large part of their ideology. Those that follow such leaders and ideology are not doing themselves any favor. In the end evidence has shown these systems of government as failing. It is a shame that so many in our Country support such ideology and work against President Trump and the good of our Country. One thing is for sure, Trump has caused them to show and demonstrate themselves for what they really believe and are. In the end that should assist more people in reaching a decision discontinue supporting and/or not supporting such ideology.

  9. Here is my humble opinion Joe, I hope you will post it for discussion:

    When President Trump stated he would accept information on his rivals from foreign governments he massively shot himself in the foot. What that amounts to is accepting evidence from an outside competing government to use against another American citizen.

    Shall we be reminded that when Al Gore was given George W. Bush's debate prep, he called the FBI.

    My how things have changed! MAGA President Trump, but for the love of God think before you speak and please don't do half the things you say you will

  10. 7:22 how are they wrong, multiple associates of the President are now in jail. How many Obama campaign staff members are in jail? Those of us with brains know that CNN and Fox are two of the same. Widely skewed.

    The assumption that valid information is wrong because you perceive that person to have gotten it from a source you distrust is idiotic. Let me spell it out for you...Trumps guys are in jail, Obamas guys are not.

    Why is Mitch McConnel accepting thousands from the nations leading manufacturers of voting machines AND blocking any type of voting security legislation in the Senate?

    1. 7:22 I have one question for you. Why is Trump president and hillary a failure

    2. 9:06 Trumps “guys” are in jail because of shit they did. Nothing to do with Trump. Why are Obama’s guys not in jail? Funny you should ask. Go do some research on how Comey exnorated Hillary before she was even interviewed. So you see when Obama’s guys are running the show how do you really expect justice to be served. If you think for a minute Obama, the FBI, and the rest are following the law you are delusional at best. And btw I don’t watch MSM. None of it. But let’s face it CNN has been caught so many damn times lying of course people won’t believe anything they report. So yes it does matter where you get your info. If you choose to listen to the lies that’s on you🤷‍♀️ Why are you concerned about Mitch when the rest of congress has been doing that crap for years. Wake the f up and take your fake outrage somewhere else. Hypocrite🙄

  11. God Bless America and God Bless President Trump !!!

  12. 9:06 hello is there anybody in there? You stated the obvious. Why isn’t anyone in BO,s admin in jail? Because they are all leftists protecting each other but like always the left never knows when to stop and they went too far this time.

  13. 9:06 AM...it ain't over yet for your Obama buddies. They are about to be exposed big time. As for Trump's buddies (Manafort and Gates), were indicted on financial crimes and nothing to do with Russia; Papadopoulos, Flynn, Stone, Page, will not do any jail time. Cohen violated attorney/client privilege and again is doing time for financial misdemeanors. NOTHING to do with collusion or obstruction. Sorry, no cigar.

  14. Trump drained the swamp and created a cesspool

  15. Anonymous said...
    If this is true how come there have been dozens of indictments (and several convictions) of folks connected with the Trump administration and none for Obama administration?

    June 13, 2019 at 6:56 AM

    Umm... "dozens of indictments." Since you are too stupid to understand, I will be the first to inform you.

    Do you know why you didn't see the "indictments" under the Obammy Administration? It is because of the lame Republicans who refused to investigate any wrongdoing by Obammy! They refused to investigate evidence that Obammy wasn't even a Natural Born Citizen of the United States. They are called the Deep State and what we Deplorables call the Swamp and we are draining it!

    Don't think your Homo Boi was innocent because he wasn't and hopefully we will bring him down soon!

  16. Anonymous said...
    6:56 AM...anyone remotely or otherwise connected to the Trumps were "convicted" of things not relating to collusion. You are in for a big surprise when the IG report comes out and the truth about the FISA warrant is revealed and just how dirty all of the stuff leading up to the special counsel investigation was. RE: the Obama administration, he was the first black president and protected by the Soros billions; but not to worry, when all of the above sees daylight Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Lynch, et al will be singing like canaries.

    June 13, 2019 at 7:55 AM

    Thank you! And I follow Comey on Twitter and he is running his mouth like he is innocent. I pray that one day soon he is taken down because he is being protected by those he protected.

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The Democrat Party has always been “dirty”, from its action to keep people in slavery and disbanding the Union, establishment of the KKK, and continued abuse of government agencies and power. Trump’s election has caused an overt exposure, confirmation and a stark reminder of their past and present behavior.

    The leadership of the Democrat Party espouse socialism and communism as a large part of their ideology. Those that follow such leaders and ideology are not doing themselves any favor. In the end evidence has shown these systems of government as failing. It is a shame that so many in our Country support such ideology and work against President Trump and the good of our Country. One thing is for sure, Trump has caused them to show and demonstrate themselves for what they really believe and are. In the end that should assist more people in reaching a decision discontinue supporting and/or not supporting such ideology.

    June 13, 2019 at 8:23 AM

    I agree with you to an extent and I agree with your idea, but if you really knew History, you would know that the KKK wasn't a bad organization when it was started by Nathan B. Forest. You should read a book every now and then, it's very educational.

    1. KKK / Maintenance of the White Race

  18. Anonymous said...
    7:22 how are they wrong, multiple associates of the President are now in jail. How many Obama campaign staff members are in jail? Those of us with brains know that CNN and Fox are two of the same. Widely skewed.

    The assumption that valid information is wrong because you perceive that person to have gotten it from a source you distrust is idiotic. Let me spell it out for you...Trumps guys are in jail, Obamas guys are not.

    Why is Mitch McConnel accepting thousands from the nations leading manufacturers of voting machines AND blocking any type of voting security legislation in the Senate?

    June 13, 2019 at 9:06 AM

    Me thinks you are a PU$$Y white guy that wears skinny jeans and hates "old white men" but loves Bernard and votes for free shit! I bet you have a silly name like Jared Schablein or Jake Burdett.

    1. 1:55 Me thinks you’re spot on! 😂

  19. True statement we didn't know how bad things were, everything had been covered ups like in our cat's litter pans so just the smell hung around.


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