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Saturday, June 01, 2019

Saving Chesapeake Bay's Tangier Island

TANGIER, Va. — Tangier Island, a small fishing community in the Chesapeake Bay, has been losing land due to erosion since it was first settled in the late 1700s.

According to the Army Corps Of Engineers, 66 percent of the island has been lost since 1850. Sea level rise caused by climate change has been accelerating the rate of land loss and may force the inhabitants to leave.

“We’ve also projected out into the future to see, given the current trends, what do we think will happen as we move forward in the future," said Susan Conner, Army Corps Of Engineers Norfolk District Planning and Policy Branch Chief. "Within 50 years we find that the town of Tangier may be uninhabitable.”

James “Ooker” Eskridge is the Mayor of Tangier and a waterman.



  1. Sea level rise, can someone prove that?

    1. Let's say for a moment it's not sea rise. How do you explain the loss of land on the island?

  2. climate change forced evacuation is inevitable

    1. Climate change - you mean earth is warming. Tell that to the people who are still getting snow in the mid West and the terrible winter you had. Freezing.

    2. What factories were exceeding carbon monoxide limits in the late 1700's when tangier was losing shoreline and shrinking

  3. I would love to see the Feds rebuild that island. All they have to do is set down rock bulkheading and backfill with dredge materials from rivers, the inner harbor and throughout the bay.

  4. "Tangier Island...has been losing land due to erosion since it was first settled in the late 1700s."

    Wait! No Global Warming or Climate Change? That's right, EROSION, not sea rise due to melting ice glaciers you dumb idiots!!

  5. This should be taken from the Chesapeake Bay Foundation as part of saving the Bay. Is this not correct Hogan?

    1. Hogan doesn't care. Just keep him in crabs.

  6. Let it sink there is nothing there worth saving. All the graves have floated away.

  7. 11:47 - keep reading, two more sentences.
    10:02 - Done been done, for years. You may not agree with human causation, but there's no arguing about sea level rise.

  8. 7:08 - Carbon monoxide has nothing to do with this discussion. Nice try though, back to chemistry class for you.

    1. 9:49 the tree hugging environmentalist theory is that carbon monoxide causes global warming, which they also imagine is causing the ice caps to melt, which leads to rising sea levels, thus the sinking of Tangier Island, hopefully you can comprehend this unproven chain of events

  9. I don't know, but I sure like to fish around there.

  10. Sea level rise? Ask the Mayor of Tangier and see what he says about that. He attended a meeting about sea level rise by that Gore fool and said the sea level is the same as it was when he was a child. He said he does not see any rise in the sea level.

  11. @ June 2, 2019 at 6:59 AM. Uh, have you ever heard of erosion? I have seen it many places and the sea level is the same as when my Dad used to take us swimming.


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