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Friday, June 07, 2019

Rush Limbaugh: Pelosi's reported 'prison' comment a sign she's in 'big trouble' with her own party

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is in big trouble with her own party, and her reported comment about wanting to see President Trump in prison proves it, according to Rush Limbaugh.

The conservative radio host offered up his analysis of the situation Thursday after Politico reported Pelosi told top committee chairmen in her party: “I don’t want to see him impeached, I want to see him in prison.”

“She’s trying to keep her impeachment mob at bay. And she’s having trouble. She’s in big trouble. You know, Trump has a nickname for her, “Nervous Nancy,” and it’s spot on. Nancy Pelosi, Nervous Nancy’s losing control. She knows that she is losing control,” Limbaugh said.



  1. Yeah, it's hard to control a mob. You have to keep yelling stuff to keep their attention. It doesn't have to be true, just loud and often.

  2. Trump has been cleared. You cannot put someone in prison without a crime. Democrats state that no one is above the law, so they need to let the public know the truth and jail the Clintons and their cohorts. They also need to come clean about Obama and his con game that got him the Presidency illegally. These are a few of your criminals who need to be in prison.

  3. What about Cummings and Family breaking the law, since no one is above the law Pelosi? They need to go to prison.

  4. She knows she's not believed she knows it's her last public office, she's washed up and totally whacked. But don't cry for her she has that high fence around her compound.

  5. Pelosi is running out of steam and credibility. She won't last through the 2020 election season.

  6. Yup, Pelosi has been feeding her loony base the libtard drug for 2 years now and they need even more that she can't supply.

  7. Not only is Nancy nervous, the Democratic Party is nervous. They are watching 2020 scuttling just like the Titanic.

  8. Pelosi / Schumer / Schiff /Cummings / Obama / Lynch

    Hillary / Clapper / Comey / should be in PRISON !!!!!


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