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Sunday, June 09, 2019

Real ID Update

Senator Addie Eckardt, District 37
Real ID Update
June 4, 2019
REAL ID was passed by Congress to create standards for secure driver’s licenses and identification cards nationwide in the wake of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. As of October 1, 2020, all Marylanders must have documents on file and be REAL ID compliant if they wish to use a state-issued driver’s license or identification card to board an airplane or enter federal government facilities.

Maryland began issuing REAL ID licenses and identification cards in 2009; at that time, Maryland was only required to collect documentation from new drivers, allowing those renewing or obtaining a duplicate or corrected driver’s license or identification card to obtain a REAL ID without additional documentation. However, in October 2017, federal mandates required those with the newly-designed driver’s license or identification card to still bring in additional documents to become REAL ID complaint. The documents can include: a birth certificate or passport, proof of social security and two documents proving a Maryland home address.

MDOT MVA has been working diligently to directly contact drivers that have a new REAL ID license or identification card but still need to file the additional required documents, requesting these documents be submitted within six months. The timing of the notifications allows customers six months to submit documents and allows MVA to provide customers with the best possible service. These customers MUST come to a MDOT MVA branch with the required documents as soon as possible and are urged to make an appointment.

In order to accommodate the shift to REAL ID, the MVA has added more than 1,900 weekly appointment slots across the state, and now has more than 3,000 appointments available every day.

All Marylanders are encouraged to:


  1. F*** Maryland!! Another means of extortion by Hogan. I'm assuming all this added revenue will be to help his illegal immigrants get free identity and college degrees

    1. While I do not agree with the real id, there is no out of pocket cost for this.

    2. 2:14 Being that it was mandated by Congress, it has nothing whatsoever to do with Hogan.

  2. And if you are an illegal alien with a Maryland drivers license are you exempt from real ID? Will there license be suspended for not producing said documentation? I will bet not! This places them in an exempt privaledged group thus placing Maryland citizens as a second class of people in the eyes of government!!

  3. Real ID makes everyone a criminal. Even though I was born and raised here and my ancestry goes 5 generations back when we were a British Colony, I have to prove my Citizenship? Totally ridiculous and asinine.

    What happened to common sense?

    I'm 57 years old and I have to provide an ID at Food Lion to buy year when it's evident my gray hair and wrinkles show I am older than 21!

    Enough is enough, I have become a stranger in my own country!

  4. I call the time, getting all these documents, and from everyone I've talked to, hours waiting, very costly, and I don't understand about no charge. All the people I know that have been thru this paid $20 or a $40 dollar fee.

    1. I was in and out in less than 10 minutes. Didn’t cost a thing. Helps to make an appointment ahead of time.

  5. I bet illegals will have no trouble getting an id or driving license

  6. I presented said document when I got my drives licenses 40 years ago.


  7. Yes I paid 20.00 for mine. You don’t have to wait in lines if you make an appointment and you can do that by going to the Md Mia website.., this is not Md doing this, it’s the Feds! All states must comply with the laws!

  8. @4:30 how is it not an added expense? I have more years left on my license before renewal than the forced ID date of October 2020. Are they going to reimburse me for that time?

    1. My license renewal isn’t until 2024 and updating the Real ID info didn’t cost me anything. Made an appointment and was out in less than 10 minutes.

  9. Illegals still get their MD drivers license without this documentation. Just means that cannot enter Government buildings so Government states. That means they cannot be arrested and go to Court.

  10. But the Federal Government will not mandate VOTER ID Law. Crazy Democrats again showing their insanity.

  11. I renewed my license a little over a year ago. It has the REAL ID logo on it and looks just like the new IDs. I did not provide additional documentation (I did it via mail). So, I know I'll have to go. However, I have not received ANY notification from MVA actually telling me this.

    My biggest issue is that I had to supply my birth certificate when I got my first license. I had to supply my marriage license when I got married. I was willing to provide an electric bill when I moved (they declined to look at it) and changed my address. My point is this has all been given to them in the past. So, now I have to provide documentation again - and hope it's good enough. My hubby recently renewed his and they didn't accept his birth certificate. Why? It was the original one issued 40 years ago. Social Security card original one issued 30 some years ago - not good enough either. Had to go get another one.

    It may not cost anything to me, but it's a time waster for sure.

  12. Not gonna do it

  13. @June 6,2019 at 11:57 AM. Most likely not. My wife had three years left on hers and still had to pay for the new one. I want to know just like everyone else what happens when an illegal shows up with nothing. The only thing they can provide is two documents proving a Maryland home address. They have NO passport, no American birth certificate, no Social Security card.But I bet they will still be seen driving around here.

  14. Everyone send an email or tweet or a letter or phone call to this Senator Addie Eckardt, and ask what they plan on doing when illegals show up and only have two bills proving they live where they say they do. I bet they will continue to drive without the license and hope they do not get caught. But even if they do, nothing will be done to them.

  15. For those interested, take a look at your ID - if it has a Star I see if a black circle, you have already complied - if not, it’s a good idea to make an appointment

  16. 6/10 @ 8:16AM, unfortunately, this is not true. My license was renewed in 2017. It looks JUST like the new ones with the black star. I did not provide additional documentation - although like I posted earlier, I have already provided this information throughout the years.

    I have not gotten my letter to come in yet, but I'm sure I'll receive on by the end of the year (maybe).


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