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Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Pro-Gun Groups And Gun Rights Advocates React To Northam's Emergency Gun Control Meeting

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D) on Tuesday called an emergency meeting to discuss control after Friday's tragic shooting in Virginia Beach that left 12 dead. Specifically Northam wanted ban all semi-automatic firearms (basically all guns), suppressors (which are heavily regulated already) and enact red flag laws.

Virginia House of Delegates Speaker Kirk Cox (R) disagreed with Northam's assessment.
The terrible shooting that occurred in Virginia Beach just four days ago is still painfully fresh for everyone, especially the 12 families that lost loved ones. First and foremost, we continue to pray for the victims, thank the first responders, and extend our gratitude to law enforcement for their dedication to the safety of that community.

The Governor’s call to Special Session is hasty and suspect when considered against the backdrop of the last few months. While the Governor can call a special session, he cannot specify what the General Assembly chooses to consider or how we do our work. We intend to use that time to take productive steps to address gun violence by holding criminals accountable with tougher sentences — including mandatory minimums.

Following the tragedy at Virginia Tech in 2007 and 2017’s shooting in Parkland, Florida, Virginia took a very deliberative approach that ultimately ended in substantive and bipartisan reforms to keep our communities safer. The governor’s call to Special Session is more likely to inflame political tensions than produce substantive public policy changes that will keep people safe.



  1. Those who aim to ban suppressors watch too many action movies.

  2. The death penalty will stop this chit

  3. A suppressor is not a hard item to manufacture so to ban them will not stop those with criminal intent.

  4. Government wants to silence everything except firearms

  5. Where is the mental health area of these crimes that are never enforced by the Doctors or Law Enforcement?

    1. Now just what does that comment mean 5:28

  6. I understand what 5:28 is saying. Doctors do not report people with mental disorders they treat as required by Federal law. This is a Federal crime and has to be prosecuted by the Federal government not State government. Lawyers do not prosecute and Law Enforcement do not add this charge to charging documents. If you disagree list the crimes that were committed with these guidelines and prosecuted. I know of 2 incidents where incarceration and mental health incarceration happened and they got out on probation and there is weapons still in the house and they have access to them. Law enforcement states they have to see the weapon in their hands. Law states they cannot have access to a weapon.


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